beauty, empties

Shower Empties

My empties bag is overflowing! I thought it would be fun to grab all of the ones that are shower related and save the makeup and other skincare for a separate post. All but one of these are found at Target or your favorite drug store, so they are definitely affordable!

Dove Purely Pampering

I used to buy all Bath and Body Works shower gels back in the day. I am not really sure why, I guess for the scent and because it was fun to shop there? The ingredients of their stuff leaves lots to be desired though, so I would rather just grab something at Target and not have to buy six bottles at once to get a better deal. I have used a few bottles of this Purely Pampering line from Dove and I love the scent!!! It does a decent job of not stripping away too much moisture.

Yes to Tomatoes Charcoal Cleanser

This is more like a scrub to me. I love love love the scent and use it once or twice a week at night after I wash my face. You can find it at Target or the drugstore for $10 or less and is a solid choice. Not all the Yes to products are a win for me, but this one is!

OGX Orchid Oil Conditioner

This is marketed for colored hair. I love the smell and packaging. It is a decent drugstore find that I buy regularly, but interchangeably with other similar options. I like to have one drugstore brand set and one higher end set in my shower that I switch use with.


I have my daily morning holy grail face wash, Murad Time Release Acne Cleanser. I use that ever single day no matter what. At night, after I remove my makeup, I like to use something different. I will use up any free samples or perhaps a drugstore cleanser. I got this one as a gift with purchase and have had it before. It is a decent cleanser, but honestly, there is nothing special about it. I dont even really like the lemony smell that it has. I use it when I get them for free, but I would never seek out to purchase it.

Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave Cream

I used Skintimate shave cream for years. I am not really sure why I was ever so loyal to it? It really never did me any favors, that is for sure. Maybe I liked the colorful bottles? Anyways, I picked this up out of desperation to make my shaving experience better. My legs were literally peeling, they were so dry. This is my second or third bottle of the stuff now. I love how smooth it makes my legs feel, and the scent is pleasant and would compliment any body wash/lotion products you plan to use. I have a new go to and will never buy Skintimate again.

So, what shower products are you loving lately? Anything new out there I need to try?

weekend shenanigans


I cant believe we are heading in to the last full week of January. Seems crazy!

This weekend was pretty low key. Chris had some errands he needed to run with his dad on Saturday, so Zoe and I had a little girls day out. After being cooped up in the house all last week, I wanted to get us both out somewhere. We went to Trader Joe’s to do most of our grocery shopping this week. After that, we walked around The Summit a little since it was so beautiful outside. It was Zoe’s lunch time, so we headed to Urban Cookhouse for lunch. I ordered the berry salad and Zoe got the grilled cheese with a side of fruit. Girlfriend loves her fruit and every last bite of it was gone before she even stared on her sandwich.

After Zoe went to bed that night, I finished reading my book and cleaned up around the house a little. Chris and I played a round of Mario Kart and I promptly passed out there after.

Sunday we headed out to Target and Best Buy, and spent the rest of the day lounging around the house.We caught up on a few of our shows and watched another episode of Blue Bloods. We decided we really like that one.

Zoe woke up with some cold symptoms and I am still trying to decide if I want to take her to the doctor today or not. I feel like it is a decision I have to make about every two weeks lately. Dirty daycare babies.

There are only nine more days left of my Whole 30!!!! I am feeling damn good and most of my cravings have subsided. I can tell that my pants fit better and I have more energy. I am trying to decide what I want to do once Whole 30 is over. I want to maintain my weight loss and continue on, but I also want to enjoy my life and have some coffee creamer. The balance struggle is real, am I right?! Are you doing any diet/fitness challenges for February? Let me know, I could use some inspiration.

Linking up with Biana. Hope you have a wonderful week.

favorites, friday favorites

Friday Things

It has been quite the week. I started out working from home on Monday since Zoe’s daycare was closed for MLK. The real estate world cares not about most holidays, so work we must. Monday night I got a call from the daycare staying they would be closed Tuesday for impending snowmagedon 2018. Zoe and I waited around all Tuesday and this is all we got…

Quite underwhelming, right??? Well funny thing about it, schools were cancelled for Wednesday too! The roads in our area were fine, but apparently there were some secondary roads somewhere around us that were all ice. I dont know? I don’t know a single person who saw it.  Either way, yesterday was a rough rough drop off at daycare after being out for five days straight! This is what three days at home looked like….

That last picture could be me after work on a Friday. Hahaha.

After all that time cooped up at home, Laura and I met for lunch yesterday and it was FABULOUS!!! Obviously for the company!!! But also, Real and Rosemary has a Whole 30 menu and I could order off of it and enjoy something other than salad. It was so delicious that we may be planning what we will have there next already.

Even with all the snow days, I have been staying strong. We are 19 days in and over half way there! I gotta be honest and say that it was hard not snacking on all the things and making hot chocolate with the freezing cold weather!!!! This is Alabama, it isn’t supposed to be 4 degrees several mornings in a row! Or ever, really!!!!

Favorite Recipe: To keep myself excited, I have been scouring Pinterest for more compliant recipes. How amazing does this Chicken Lo Mein look?

Healthy Lo Mein made with delicious carrot noodles! An Easy 15 minute whole30 meal the whole family will enjoy! Grain free, paleo, and gluten free. The servings are big. The food is tasty! I did not want to stop eating this! I wanted to eat all four servings by myself. A big ol’ serving of these lo mein noodles carries all of the delicousness factor with only 343 calories! Whole30 meal plan that's quick and healthy! Whole30 recipes just for you. Whole30 meal planning. Whole30 meal prep. Heal...

And this Coconut Lime Chicken too!

Creamy Coconut Lime Chicken Breasts - a one pan, Whole 30 approved dish made with only a handful of ingredients. Dairy Free + Paleo

Favorite Lust: For years I have coveted the Gucci and Channel bags, but I would never pull the trigger on one. Just way too much money for a purse for me. I stick in the Michael Kors, Kate Spade prince range. I saw this Rebecca Minkoff bag that is a dupe for one of the ones I love the most. Much better price!!! It is sitting on my Wish List with Nordstrom right now. Come here my pretty!!!!!

Favorite Funny: This seriously can’t sum me up better than any other meme out there.

Linking up with Amanda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

Honestly, there weren’t a ton of shenanigans this weekend. Anyone terrified of catching the flu??? Zoe got her flu shot back in the fall, but since it seems to be worthless with the strands going around…we kept our happy healthy asses at home much of this weekend.The little bit we did venture out to get grocery shopping done looked like this…

Image result for sheldon spraying lysol

It was balls cold all weekend anyways. We did get a lot done around the house! And by we, I really mean Chris. He had fun on some trees with his new chain saw and cleaned up some stuff in the man cave. I organized more of the pantry but am still piddling in there. I did help him carry the branches down to the curb sooooo there is that. It is hard to get things done with a very mobile one year old!

I am now half way through my month of Whole 30. I was starting to think that my clothes weren’t really fitting any better, but when I was cleaning out some stuff in our closet the other day….I decided to put on a pair of jeans I haven’t reached for since the very beginning of 2016. I thought, let’s just see how much more work I have to do to get these things buttoned. And you guys…..they slid right up, zipped and buttoned. I did a huge happy dance, promptly ran downstairs to show Chris and then text a picture to my ahole bros group. While I still have a ways to go toning up….that was all the motivation I needed to sore through the rest of this month!

Here is a look at my eats the last few days…

Chris and I caught up on a few of our shows that have come back from break and I got a little reading time in. And just like that, our weekend was over! Zoe’s daycare is closed today but my office is not. Work from home it is! I already have Mexican Chicken Soup cooking in the crockpot, got in a short workout and have started work for the day and its only going on 6am. Winning!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Biana.

favorites, friday favorites

Friday Things

1. I had to cancel on Laura last week for Birthday Lunch when Zoe came down with a fever. We finally got to do it yesterday! We went to Avondale Common House and I stayed Whole30 strong and ordered a salad with no cheese and grilled chicken. It was so delicious!!! Plus, girls lunch is good for the soul.

2. I haven’t had proper chance to say ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, Monday night was a roller coaster of emotions! First we were down, then we were really down, then we started to come back and then it was a tie and OMG we are going in to overtime. My heart couldn’t take anymore! A hell of a game, and I can’t think of two better matched teams to face off in the National Championship game! While I am a Georgia fan and super  happy to see them make it all the way, my heart belongs to Bama and they are my number one and who I pulled for.

Image result for alabama national championship 2018

There are a lot of haters saying that it isn’t fair that two SEC teams made it to the championship. But bottom line is the best of the best made it. SEC FOREVER!

3. I received some money at Christmas and wanted to treat myself to something I have been coveting for a long time. I went over to Saks and finally picked up a pair of these magical leggings!!! I am hoping that my month of Whole30 will give me the confidence to rock them. Looking in the mirror in the fitting room, I looked a good two sizes smaller in them. Did unicorns make these??

Also, it was my first time really shopping in Saks. I have been in there before to browse, but I walked up to the register to ask where the leggings were located in the store because I was on lunch and in a hurry. The person who helped me was amazing! She walked me over to them, helped me find my size, took me over to the fitting rooms, was waiting for me outside to see if I liked them, asked me if I wanted to look at anything else, and then walked with me over to the register. She was so friendly and conversation with her was easy, like I was shopping with my best friend. I might have to pop over there more often. I know they carry higher end things, but I am all about quality over quantity these days and still remember my experience there. More than I can say for most shopping experiences these days.

4.My hair has been awful the last few weeks. Looking dry and gross, laying really flat. I have used up nearly all of my products and want to try something new. Leave me some of your favorites in comments. Keep in mind that my hair is very fine and naturally straight.

5. I found this recipe for sweet potato waffles and I can’t wait to try them!!! They are paleo/whole 30 approved.

Paleo Sweet Potato Waffles made with four essential ingredients and a low FODMAP option | Gluten Free, Dairy Fee, Sugar Free

I didn’t even know how to get dressed this morning. It was in the 60’s when I was leaving my house and will be in the 30’s when I return. Layers is the only solution I came up with. Bipolar weather! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. Linking up with Amanda.