about me, currently


Loving: The Beau and The Belle is out today and available on Amazon!!! You guys, this book was SO CUTE!!! The author was kind enough to include me in the ARC, and now I am hooked on her. She seems so cool, like someone I could definitely be friends with! This book reads like a romantic comedy. I absolutely loved Beau and Lauren. It takes place in New Orleans and has me itching for a trip down there! I cant say enough good things. You can purchase it for just 99 cents on kindle here!

Reading: I am having a bit of book hangover with The Beau and The Bell to be honest. I want more of those characters! I am finishing up The Gods in Alabama right now.

Gods in Alabama

Watching: To be honest, a lot of Puppy Dog Pals and Vamparina. Zoe has shown interest in TV now, especially if there is singing involved. She drops everything the moment she hears the intro song to these two shows. She also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Mickey and the Roadster Racers. We have been home sick, so she has been getting more screen time than usual. Judge away.

Image result for mickey mouse clubhouse meme

Working: I have been slowly getting our kitchen organized. I redid the pantry, again, last week. Yesterday, I started going through a few cabinets and getting rid of miss-matched shit that we never use. I also packed up most of Zoe’s bottles. She really only takes one right before bed now, the rest of the time she drinks water out of a cup. It was bittersweet packing those up! Next I want to tackle the two random cabinets that house appliances like the toaster, waffle maker, mixer, etc.

Cooking: For breakfast, I have been back on my coconut flour muffins. I got this recipe from Kathy a few years ago, and it is sooooooo easy and quick!!! I dont have a lot of time to spend on cooking in the mornings, and this comes together and ready to eat in under five minutes.

1 egg

1 teaspoon coconut flour

1 tablespoon almond milk (could use regular or coconut)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon maple syrup (when I was on whole 30, I left this out and it still tasted good)

Whisk all that together in a bowl, grease a ramekin with coconut oil and cook in microwave for 2 minutes. BOOM! Done! I really love it with homemade apple butter spread on top too!

Planning: Laura and I have a craft day schedule for this Saturday, as long as both our kids can stay healthy. Sheesh. Planning anything when you are a parent is hard. You can’t predict when your kid is going to be riddled with nasty daycare germs…or is being a toddler with a tantrum. You know? Anyways, we have plans to craft marble trays (thanks Elle!!!!)for us, and we  have a few crafts for the kids to do for Valentine’s Day! We are also going to make sugar cookies and let them decorate. I cannot wait!!!

Life: I have been working from home the last two days with a sick Zoe. Again. You guys!!! Seriously! I just want one full week at daycare with a healthy Zoe and no snow days! I feel like I should get a refund for at least half a month with how much we are gone. Her ear infection from last week came back with a vengeance Tuesday morning. She seemed to be feeling better by the afternoon, but we didn’t go back to school until this morning. It looked like there were several other kids out as well. Oh, and I realized about 5 minutes away from daycare that I forgot to give her the medicine this morning. I had to turn around and drive the 20 minutes back home to get it and go back out. Sheesh. Have I mentioned that I am so over cold and flu season already??? I am basically behind on everything so bare with me. I got to say, I didn’t hate all the snuggles I have gotten over the last few days from my sweet sweet girl.

I am linking up with Kristen and Gretch for What’s New With You. Let me know what you have going on!

about me, health, Whole 30

Thoughts on Whole 30

I did it. I finished my third round of Whole 30! After the initial OMG what have I gotten myself into again thoughts on around day three when I would have stabbed someone for a splash of coffee creamer and a hunk of cheese. Or when I had a rough rough rough day at work and I just wanted a damn glass of wine!!!! After those thoughts, I have to admit that this has been my easiest round of Whole 30 to date. The only thing I truly missed was my coffee creamer. Dare I say that I rarely noticed that I wasn’t consuming cheese. I know. Crazy.

Image result for how I feel on day 30 of whole 30

I do Whole 30 because it works for me. It detoxes my system and strips away all the cravings for sugar laden foods and reminds me of how awesome my body feels when I am fueling it properly. Do I think Whole 30 is sustainable past the 30 days? Not really. It is very strict and doesn’t allow for any splurges. To me, life is too short not to enjoy things you love. I have so many people who tell me they could never do it because of the cheese or bread restrictions. I used to say the same thing. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!

I have to say, I feel absolutely AMAZING!!!! The results are in, I lost a total of 8 pounds. It might not be a big number, and I have done better in the past. But I wasn’t surprised when I got on the scale this morning. The truth is, I only worked out twice the entire month. And that was this past Monday and Tuesday. I just haven’t gotten my mojo back yet, and that is going to be my focus for February. If I would have put forth the effort to work out five days a week, I know I would have seen better results. But I am ok with that. You cant put a price on how much energy I have had the last few weeks. How much clearer I am thinking. How I haven’t had  single stomach ache all month. I managed to only get slightly sick once, despite the fact that Zoe has brought home a new bug at least once every week. There is something to clean eating!!! That is for sure.

I plan to try and stay 90% paleo now that Whole 30 is over. And I am introducing fitness back into my life after all the laziness on my part over the last year. I will adjust as I see the need once I dive in. And most definitely have a delicious lunch tomorrow with no cares about what is in my food.

weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

Hey there day 29 of Whole 30!!! One more day you guys!!! ONE MORE DAY! Honestly, I was thinking that February 1st was the day I could have coffee creamer again, but I was watching Amy’s Instastories yesterday and she said something about Wednesday and I was like ohhhhh that’s right!!!! It is a 30 day challenge. I dont have to follow the rules of the whole month. Haha. It’s the little things, am I right? Even though I do plan to have a delicious lunch with Laura later this week and finally order my most coveted drink of all the Starbucks drinks this week (BUTTERSCOTCH!!!!!!), I plan to continue on with paleo eating 90% of the time. Or at least for now, anyways. I feel amazing right now and I would like to continue to feel this way.

Anyways, this weekend was pretty low key. We didn’t have any plans, and besides grocery shopping yesterday….we didn’t even leave the house all weekend. I did finish a book in two days, rare for me these days! It is the new book, The Beau and The Belle by RS Grey. It was so cute!!! It is on pre-sale now, and comes out February 1st!!!! I will have my full review up for the Show Us Your Books link up.

Chris and I played a few spirited rounds of Mario Kart. He kicked my ass.

Zoe looked like a ballerina all day Saturday in her pink tutu dress. My mom got it for her for Christmas, and it is on major sale at Old Navy right now!!!!

Of course, there was some delicious Whole30 eats too! This is chicken andouille sausage with peppers, potatoes and onions. It is a new favorite for Chris and he wants it to be our Friday thing from now on. I can get on board with that since it is both delicious and healthy!

And that was basically our weekend! I deep cleaned our master bathroom and cleaned the floors. Reorganized our pantry and the cabinet under the sink. I want to reorganize the rest of my kitchen too, but that will have to be another weekend!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Do you have any big plans coming up in February? Linking up with Biana.

favorites, friday favorites

Friday Favorites

We are heading in to the last weekend of the month! That is crazy, right?? How many of you have already ditched your resolutions for the year? That is why I don’t make them. I am still going strong on Whole 30. There are just a few days left and I am feeling really good. It is amazing how much better I feel when I am not eating processed shit, dairy and gluten. Makes me really think about how much I am going to bring back in to my life when it is over.

Favorite Moments: I really enjoyed some Asian inspired dishes this week! Egg roll bowl on the left and chicken lo mein (using carrot noodles) on the right. Delicious!!!

This week, Laura and I went to lunch at Urban Cookhouse. They moved their location in Homewood and we loved their new space!!! I am obsessed with their Berry Good Salad and I get it about 90% of the time that I eat there.

I worked from home Monday and Tuesday with a sick Zoe. We haven’t had a full week of school this year yet. Maybe next week will be our week!

I am so so so proud of my oldest nephew. This week, his basketball team won the championship game and today he is being awarded for placing in the academic Top 10 based on his grades over the last few years. He is such an amazing kid. Every time I see him, I feel like he looks older and older. He hovers a good few inches over me already, and he is only in the 7th grade! I hope my sister feels like she is receiving an award today along with him, for raising such a fantastic kid!

Favorite Recipe: How amazing does this tomato soup with meatballs look?? I am going to have to try it soon. Whole 30 approved!

This dairy free and Whole30 compliant tomato basil bisque with Italian meatballs is an easy winter soup with simple ingredients! The perfect paleo dinner the whole family will love.

Favorite Sales Finds: Ann Taylor was having an extra 60% off their clearance last week and I scooped up this cross back sweater and this super pretty pleated tank with some left over Christmas money. They are perfect together or mixed with other pieces. I scored both for under $50 total. Um, yes please!

Favorite Words to Chew On:

That's right !!!!

Favorite Funny:

I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car.

Linking up with Amanda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

about me, three things

Three Things

Stealing Jana’s Three Things post because I absolutely LOVE these posts.

Three foods I hate and refuse to eat

1.Okra – stop trying to tell me I just haven’t had good okra. It is the nastiest texture ever and I have tried it fried and baked and every just way and just no. No no no no no. You can have your loogie balls.

2.Grits – See above. I have tried it sweet and savory and every which way and it is still gross.

3.Oysters – bleh

Image result for chips and salsa meme

Three foods I love and eat more of than I should

1.chips and salsa


3. M&Ms

Three things chores I avoid until absolutely necessary


2.Cleaning the shower

3.Cleaning the sink -Why does it get so gross so quickly? I freaking HATE cleaning out food particles and shit that collects in the drain catcher.

Three chores I always do


2.Dishes -I cant freaking stand to see dishes in the sink or on the counter. It makes my skin itch.

3.Cleaning the floors

Three wardrobe staples



3.Black -At least half my wardrobe is black.

Three things I don’t spend money on


2.Expensive kid’s clothes (Have you met a kid? They are messy messy messy and I go through a stain spray bottle about once a week.)

3. Paying people to do my grocery shopping. I am picky and want to choose my own produce and check dates on things.

Three things I do spend money on

1. Skincare



Three TV shows I frequently watch in reruns

1.Big Bang Theory

2.How I Met Your Mother

3.Rules of Engagement

Three genres I generally don’t read



3.Most history

Three things I’m looking forward to this year

1.Seeing all the milestones Zoe will hit this year.

2.Our annual trips to the Beach and Gatlinburg.

3.All the new restaurants I will try.