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weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

I am unexpectedly working from home today. Irma decided that she wanted to head straight to Birmingham after wreaking havoc all over Florida so most all of the schools in the metro area are closed today…and some even tomorrow. I think we are just supposed to get high winds and lots of rain, and there is concern of downed trees and power outages and that is why the state buildings and schools are closed. Whatever. I will take it. I didn’t want to get out with Zoe in this crap anyways.

Chris and I were glued to the TV all day yesterday watching Irma coverage. We were both up before 5am watching it. I am glad that everyone I know in Florida is safe, but it was crazy watching everything happen. I did manage to take Zoe out after her morning nap yesterday to get our grocery shopping done and pick up some food from Munoz.

Backing up to Friday, i left work early to take Zoe to her 9 month wellness visit. They do a lot of developmental testing at this appointment, and I am proud to say that Zoe was way above average on all the sections they cover. Proud mama over here! It is just astonishing how much she has changed in the last month. Yesterday, I watched her walk her push toy across the living room without any assistance. Crazy!!! The doctor strongly urged me to give her a flu shot since she is in daycare, so I agreed. I hate making those type of decisions. I never in my life got a flu shot until I was pregnant last year.

That evening, we stayed in and watched Catastrophe and I made homemade kung pao chicken and fried rice. It was so good!

Saturday morning during Zoe’s nap, I got the front and side yard cut and some cleaning done around the house. We ended up going over to Chris’s parents house to watch the Alabama game. I finally got to wear the fun Alabama stack of bracelets that my mom got me for Christmas. She picked out three that went so perfectly together! How cute is that elephant?

We did start The Americans last night. The first episode had as hooked pretty quickly, so maybe it will be another show we add to our list to watch regularly. Other than that, not much else to report here. If you live in the southeast, stay safe today and tomorrow as Irma blows through! Linking up with Biana.



Reading: I am a little more than half way through Magnolia Story. I really love Fixer Upper and have been enjoying getting to know about Chip and Jo a little more. I am easing back in to my reading game. I haven’t read a book since the end of November!

Image result for magnolia story

Watching: After I finished Gilmore Girls, I watched the first season of One Day at a Time on Netflix. It was cute. Nothing amazing or mind blowing, but it passed the time just fine. Now I am watching Last Man Standing. I had never seen it before and I like that it reminds me a little of Home Improvement with Tim Allen only there are three girls instead of three boys. The show is light and has its funny moments.  Sometimes I just like light, fluffy sitcoms that don’t make me think or keep me in suspense.

Oh, and it didn’t hurt to have a surprise appearance from JTT!!! Middle school me squealed when he came on my screen!

Image result for last man standing jtt

Eating: Now that Whole 30 is over, I am going to be practicing 90/10 as well as I can. This weeks dinners are taco bowls, korean beef with stir fry veggies, braised pork chops and roasted potatoes, bbq chicken over sweet potatoes and kung pao chicken with stir fry veggies.

Mmm tacos or cookies or anything but exercise! - Learn how to incorporate foods you love in moderation and to modify recipes to create healthier versions of those foods! Download @mealplanmagic for your ultimate guide to meal prepping and healthy eating! - ALL-IN-ONE TOOL & GUIDES - Build Custom Plans & Set Nutrition Goals BMR BMI & Max Rate Calculator Get Your Macros by Body Type & Goal Grocery Lists Automated to Weekly Needs Accurate Cooking and Prep Summaries Combine & Export Data ...:

Working Out: So yeah, I have all the want to work out and none of the will to actually make it happen yet. Since I am easing back into work this week, I decided to give myself a few days to get a routine going. As much of a routine as one can have with an 8 week old! Am I right?


Enjoying: The fact that it is a little lighter a little longer in the evenings, and a little brighter a little earlier in the mornings! I love winter, it is my favorite season….but I hate how short the days are! Now that they are shifting to be longer again, it makes me feel like I have a little more time. Anything I need to tell myself, right?

Excited: For the weekend!!! I hate that I am back to the weekend mentality now that I am working again. It is just really exhausting during the week to work, get all the things done, care for a human, care for a dog and have five minutes maybe every other day to shower. I am not sure what our plans are yet, but there is just something great about Saturdays and Sundays knowing that you don’t really have to do anything. Well, other than grocery shopping!

Linking up with Kristen and Gretch.

Whole 30

One More Week

We have one more week left of January! Are you staying on track with your goals, resolutions, etc? I sort of got a cheat this last week. When you do Whole 30, you aren’t supposed to get on the scale at all. Well, I had to go to the doctor for my six week postpartum appointment and the nurse literally asked me what the scale said as she was writing on my chart sooooooo I had to look. So I know that I have lost a few pounds already this month! That is what kept me going this week because I was so tempted to cheat but I didn’t and I am so proud!

I was cleared for very low impact work outs. I will be starting tomorrow with some light arm weights and walking. I cant do anything too crazy, and no ab work for at least another four weeks she said. No problem, I hate ab work. LOL.

As far as eating goes, last week I made a lot of my favorites: kung pao chicken, pork chops, roasted potatoes, crock pot chicken.  This week’s menu will include a new chili recipe, sloppy joes over potates, taco bowls, turkey burgers and turkey stuffed zucchini ravioli. All Whole 30 compliant of course!

This is my favorite part of Whole 30, or any clean eating consistency. I am feeling lighter and more energized, and to me, that feeling is priceless!!! It takes a few weeks for those changes to happen, but when they do it is so much easier to keep on going. Tiger blood. Yes, please.

I just wanted to do my weekly check in for the link up, I will be back tomorrow with regular content! Happy Tuesday!

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weekend shenanigans, Wish List

Weekend Shenanigans and Back On Track

We are over half way through the month already, what?!?! I cant believe how fast my leave has gone, I will be going back to work soon. But I don’t like to even think about that right now, so on to more fun things like the weekend! This weekend we had dinner at my sister-in-laws Saturday night and then did a little late night grocery shopping. Sunday was a day of lounging on the couch and catching up with all of our TV shows. Yesterday, my I took my sister out shopping for some new work clothes. We had so much fun! Zoe loved getting to see both her aunts and her two youngest cousins this weekend.


So much excitement at Nordstrom Rack, someone decided to take a nap. 

Her Sunday game is strong too, see…


As far as my Whole 30 journey? Well, things have been going well since I got back on track from the few infractions during the snow. I have been bringing back some of my favorite recipes from my last Whole 30 and trying a few new ones too. Emotionally this time is different for me since I am doing it for different reasons. It is a little harder to keep motivated to stay on track because I don’t have the work outs to go with it. I think I had an easier time last year because I was working out consistently as well and feeling results. You know, endorphins and shit.

Image result for endorphins gif

It is easier to make the healthy choice now than the first week though, since I have flushed processed foods and sugars from my system I am not craving them as much. I am starting to turn to my long term goal and deciding where I will go on February 1st. I am thinking about doing a 90/10 diet or maybe….counting calories. And ohhhhhhh how I hate hate hate counting calories and tracking everything I eat.  We will see, I am still on the fence. Just trying to figure out the best way to stay on course.

Here is what my food has been looking like lately. No one said that being healthy meant being boring! Some of my favorite things tailored to be Whole 30 compliant! Thai Chicken Soup, Sloppy Joes over a potato and Kung Pao Chicken with stir fry veggies.

Whole 30 food pics

I was supposed to go to the doctor for my six week postpartum check up yesterday. They called me an hour before my appointment to let me know that they had accidentally scheduled me with the wrong doctor and that my doctor wasn’t in. I am rescheduled for late this week, so I am hoping for some good news to be healing well and hopefully be released to start working out again!  It is going to take a long time to build back up to where I was, so the sooner I can start…the better.

Link up with Amy and I and let us know how you are doing!

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Friday Favorites – Breaking Bread

Favorite Thing to be Excited About: Breaking Bread – I am beyond excited about this Sunday you guys! Breaking Bread in an annual event in Birmingham that is being held at Railroad Park. While the main feature of this event is the food (yum); there will also be a beer garden featuring local brews, wine seminar and tastings, activities and live music, animals from the Birmingham Zoo, pumpkin carving, boat races, and REV Birmingham will be offering a farmers market where local produce may be purchased.

Here is a list of the food and beverage presenters:


If that didn’t sound awesome enough, did I mention that it is unlimited food and drink with your $50 ticket purchase? Because, it is! You also get a gift card to a participating restaurant of your choice. Most importantly, this event will benefit Camp Smile A Mile and Make A Wish Foundation of Alabama, two local charities that are doing a lot of good in our community!

So if you live in the area, be sure to wear some stretchy clothes (so you can eat of of the yummies) and come hang out on Sunday because this is going to be awesome!!!! The event is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and you can purchase tickets here.

Favorites Song: Plumb – Don’t Deserve You

Favorite Delivery: October Julep box. Not only did this box have a beautiful deep purple and sparkly silver foil color with some hand cream, it had candy corn. Um, yes, please! When I get around to painting my nails, I will share this color in more detail!


Favorite Recipe: I make a Kung Pao chicken that I really enjoy, but I think I might want to switch it up and try this…

Sesame Chicken - Skip the take-out and try this easy dish right at home!

Favorite Funnies:


How I feel when I go out:

Funny Memes

How I look when Chris asks me to watch his DJ stuff if he has to walk away for a minute

How I look when I walk in the break room and some rude person brought delicious foods to torture me with

Glad im not the only one who agrees with me. Thanks parrot!



Laura and I are hitting up the Southern Women’s Show tonight, tomorrow I have a bridal shower to go to for a dear friend of mine (during the Alabama game so you know I love her) and Sunday is Breaking Bread! Busy, busy, busy! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!