We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend, after what was basically 5 months straight of rain, gloom and doom. We took full advantage of the weather, and packed our weekend with fun!!!
Spring break is this week for a lot of schools in our area. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to go to the zoo Saturday, since most people are at the beach. WRONG! It was so packed, we didn’t make it into a parking spot before we decided to peace out and do something else. I felt really bad since we told Zoe we were going and explained what the zoo was. She was disappointed, but forgot all about the zoo when she saw the merry go round!!

Pure joy! We hit up that, browsed a few stores at the mall, went to Baumhawer’s for lunch to grab some wings and hit up Bargain Hunt and Best Buy. Then I took Chris back home and went and picked up my SIL and nephew, and took the kids to the park and let them run around for a good while. After, we decided to grab some ice cream, let them pick out a toy at Five Below (Zoe chose a bracelet and a Frisbee), grabbed the Anastacia Brow deal at Ulta and pursued HomeGoods. Zoe and I were exhausted by the time we got home! What a fun day!

Sunday, we hit up the grocery store, and then my sister and her crew came over to take some stuff off our hands that we have been hanging on to in our garage and simply dont need. After they left, Zoe and I played outside for a long time. We had got her a toddler golf set at Bargain Hunt the day before, and she was excited to hit the balls around and play with sidewalk chalk and bubbles. So much fun!
I am not really sure what happened, but about a month and a half ago, my left foot started to hurt on the walk back to my office from lunch. The pain would come and go, and I mostly just ignored it and figured it would heal itself. Well, here we are, and now it hurts alllllll the time. I cant even walk right anymore. I finally scheduled myself a visit to a orthopedic. Of course, all the doctors are out for spring break, and I have to wait another week. But at least I set the appointment! I have a feeling my beloved flats might be part of my problem. I cant really wear heels more than once a week anymore, they just hurt my feet too much. And I cant really find any other work appropriate winter shoes other than flats that I can stand to walk in for more than a few hours. Not really sure how to remedy that. At least in the summer, a lot of my wedges actually support my arch. It will be interesting to hear what they tell me. Anyone else have this issue?
might be plantar fasciitis….google it and check. my friend had that and had to massage it/go to a couple of PT sessions.
I love that last picture of Zoe. Good luck with your appointment. I had a similar issue last year but it thankfully resolved itself (for the time being). Hope you get some answers!
Zoe looks so happy on the carousel!! I love that little family picture of you guys in the mirror – so sweet. Glad you guys had such a good weekend – it was so pretty!!
What a fun weekend! She looks like she had a blast on the Carousel! Also I’m loving her leopard tops! (If only they had those in women’s lol) Hope you can figure out what’s going on with your foot- I know that has to be super painful. Have you tried soaking it in epsom salts/hot water to ease some of the tension?
Oh man, you might have plantar fasciitis which I have and it’s AWFUL!! OMG, so painful!! I can only wear certain shoes and I hate it. In fact, I have to get custom inserts for my shoes which my insurance won’t cover and they cost around $500. If you do have it, look at Abeo shoes and Vionic, they make some cute shoes with built in arch support. Hope you don’t have it tho cause well it sucks.
Yay for a nice weekend with great weather. Sorry the zoo didn’t work out, but it definitely sounds like you all had a great day anyway, so that’s awesome. That last picture of Zoe with her doll is adorable!!!
I’ve had feet problem in the past, and I think it’s mostly due to shoes. I can’t wear flats for long without my feet hurting, and if I have gym shoes, I have an insert that I always keep in that I definitely think helps. It’s tough when you’re trying to find shoes for work though!!
Bummer about the zoo but it sounds like you guys ended up having the perfect Saturday!! What a fun day! Your foot sounds so painful! Maybe inserts or something like that will fix it and make the pain go away! Hope so!
It’s funny you said this because all my walks downtown has gotten my foot hurting too. I think mine is plantar fasciatis & I have to do stretches for it & always aware of my shoes I’m wearing. it bites when you have to think of what shoes to wear – & thinking of comfort shoes. I always say I’m ready for orthopedic old woman shoes 🙂 haha
You look great girl! Are you still doing your early morning workouts? Sweet girl she is growing up way too fast!
Looks like the zoo was long forgotten for the excitement of the merry go round! Glad you guys are enjoying the weather and her animal print game is strong!
What a great weekend! When the weather cooperates it makes things so much easier on everyone. Love those carousel pics. Sorry to hear about your foot. Do you wear any inserts at all? Sierra Beautifully Candid
Welcome to aging feet! LOL. I hope you just need more supportive shoes and it’s not anything else.
I freaking love the carousel pics.
Fun family outing! Pure joy in Zoe’s face. Glad you guys finally go some good weather to go out and enjoy the weekend!