Good Morning party peeps! There is this bright yellow ball in the sky this morning, if I remember correctly it is called the SUN!!! FINALLY! Alabama has missed you! And that is what I am going to start off being OK with today!
It is OK that I get super excited in the mornings when I pull out of my driveway and see the sun rising over the Appalachian Mountains and think…I have been blessed with wonderful home and a beautiful view.
It’s OK that I may miss my old view of the Atlanta skyline, then remind myself of all the smog that I was inhaling for those 13 years I lived there. No thanks!
It’s OK that I have been struggling a lot lately trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.
It’s OK that I am ignoring a negative person at work. I can’t handle anymore negativeness, it is bringing me down!
It’s OK that my sister and I will randomly text each other lyrics to songs from when we were younger. Aaron Carter or Eminem anyone?
It’s OK that my music selection during my commutes is about as ADD as I am throughout the day. One minute I am singing along with Taylor Swift about some trouble that she should know better…the next thing I now Lil’ Wayne is trying to get all freaky up in my car:
Once I throw on this bowchickawowwow
Watchu gonna say
You act like you goin leave
But I know that you gon’ stay
Break it down dicky downdown
Girl dont even play
Once I set the mood right I’m a make you sound like
Then Kenny Chesney is begging me to Come Over and I am all like “Chill out Kenny, a girls gotta go to work and make them dolla bills yo!”
It’s OK that I may have lost a few blogger friends after sharing my conversations with my Spotify! If you do not have Spotify…you need to download it ASAP!
It is OK that I laughed out loud at a text back and forth between my husband and I this morning. We had some really bad weather yesterday, and apparently our trash can just couldn’t take it anymore. I texted Chris this picture:
Chris’s Response: “Go home trash can, you’re drunk.”
It is OK that I fall in love with my husband more and more every day!
It is OK that I sent him this ecard in an email the other day:

It is OK that I left 10 minutes later than usual this morning, I had more pressing matters like this:
Happy Almost Friday!!! Now go link up with Amber!!!
That’s funny about the trash can. I had to flower pots on my front porch, and now I can only find one of them. Oops!
Uh yea any time you miss the Atlanta skyline let me know. We can switch traffic problems anyyyyy time.