Hey there! It has been awhile since I have been able to get my life together for a Friday post. What’s new around here?
We got Zoe’s spring school pictures back last week, along with her cap and gown pictures. Cap and gown, shut up!!! I am so not ready for this. Then she had her dance recital pictures last week as well. See those girls line up for their first group photo made me teary. Her first two years of dance were robbed of group photos because of covid policies, but there are still five of the original girls she started with in her current class. They have grown so much over the last three years. Most of the girls in the class will receive three year trophies this year as well. I can’t wait to see Zoe accept hers!
I had an appointment with a functional medicine doctor. After years of struggling with problems and not getting real answers or solutions from my regular ob/gyn and being told to just go back on birth control…I switched to another ob/gyn. Guess what her solution was? An IUD. No thanks. Last week I received a new diagnosis, a whole new diet to follow, a few supplements to try, lots of bloodwork taken, suggestions on things to do when certain problems arise, and not one pharmaceutical band aid. She spent so much time listening to me, and talking to me about different things. It was just on a whole different level than any care I have had before. I say all of this to say, you have to be your own advocate when it comes to healthcare. Do your own research and if you don’t feel like you are getting the best care, go somewhere else!!!
I am happy to report that after only one week of these supplements and lifestyle changes, I am down 5 pounds, the pain in my side is gone, and I have noticed a few other changes as well. Amazing. Truly amazing.
Favorite Finds: I signed up for Nordstrom’s Trunk Club. I have a whole post coming on my thoughts and experience with it, as well as sharing my entire trunk and the whole process. The whole thing was life changing, and I can’t believe I waited so long to try it. I wanted to share what I ended up keeping.

These Mother jeans are absolute perfection. I am not sure if I would have picked them out on my own? But that is exactly why I chose to do Trunk Club. To have someone tell me what would look good on me. They fit so good, and they go with SO MANY OUTFITS! I have tried them with sneakers, sandals and heels. Casual clothes, blazers, fun tops. Everything. The length is so flattering and they have just enough distressing to look edgy and stylish without being crazy. I am so happy with these. I can’t find the exact pair I have, but these are similar cut and style in dark wash, light wash and white.
I have never owned a Rails shirt before, and now that I have this blue one…..I am not sure I can go back to any other brand for button downs. This is so good and worth every penny. I have already worn it, and have plans to style it a few ways. It is light enough to wear in the spring down here in the south and I had it on the other day all day working from home. It was so soft, I forgot I was wearing a real shirt and not one of my usual sweatshirts.
This black and white blouse isn’t something I would have picked for myself, but wow. I tried it on and Chris has walked in and was like….you’re keeping that! The vneck, sleeve length and the front cut of the shirt is super flattering on. Can be dressed up or down.
And this Caslon tshirt is such a wardrobe basic staple. So soft and so many uses.

Favorite Recipe: I made these cajun chicken bites last week and paired them with a salad. Dinner was ready in under 15 minutes and was delicious and healthy. Boom! (They were quite spicy, definitely cut down on a few of the spices if that isn’t your jam.)
Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Those jeans are perfection – they are so cute!! Speaking of cute – Z in all of her pictures!!! They all turned out so good. Haha the meme about spiders – also cockroaches. I’m not going to sleep until they are found and dead. Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Oh what a cutie! The cap and gown – oh my stars – adorable! Oh and that meme about the spider is tooootally me! LOL!
So glad you had a positive doctor experience! It’s insane how they push IUDs. NO THANK YOU. Same with the pill. I tried it after Wells (after having been on it for years) and my mood swings were insane.
Pinning the chicken recipe.
I am so happy that you advocated for yourself and now are reaping the rewards – way to go!! I cant get over Zoe and her cap and gown picture!! She is getting so big!
I want that kind of doctor so badly!!!!!! I am so glad to hear how well its already working for you! I know you are happy!!!!
These pics of Zoe in a graduation cap & gown… I’m just a spectator who has watched her grow up from afar & it hurts even MY heart – LOL
Zoe looks so grown up in her cap and gown. So cute. And now i so want to try the Nordstrom Trunk. I want someone to shop for me too.
Oh my goodness that cap and gown – stop it! So glad you listened to your inner voice, and found the right doc. We all need doctors who take the time to listen and don’t just schlep pharmaceutical crap at us.
Aw, those photos of Zoe are just too adorable! And how fun she could finally do group photos.
I’m glad you found a good doctor! You really do need to advocate for yourself. 🙂