Well that weekend went by crazy fast! Nothing too exciting going. In fact, I worked a good bit both Saturday and Sunday morning. Trying to stay afloat. It was a hot one down here this weekend! We did get some outside time in though. We tested out our new smores machine. It is awesome!!! Zoe had so much fun and has asked if we can make it a regular weekend thing. Of course!

And if you missed my stories on Saturday, I also made some keto/low carb friendly doritoes. So easy and so good! You just take extra thin cheddar cheese slices, cut them in triangles and bake at 350 degrees for 11 minutes. Take them out and sprinkle on ranch seasoning. Boom! Cooler Ranch Doritos!!!

I am working on a regular dorito one to come shortly! These are Zoe approved, as I think she ate more than I did!

We have been playing lots of Barbies/dolls around here. Zoe loves changing their outfits, brushing their hair, matching them. It is fun to see how her imagination works.

She also likes brushing her own hair, doing her “makeup” and staring at herself in her vanity mirror.
Sunday we ordered food from Casa Fiesta for lunch to be delivered. Nothing beats our favorite Mexican!

Zoe and I took a long car ride around town so that she could nap. She hasn’t napped in months, but I could tell that she needed a little one. The car always does the trick! After we got back, she ran threw the sprinkler and played with her water table the rest of the afternoon.

She has really gotten back into books again lately. I actually ordered her some super cute ones from Carly! Zoe spent hours over two days looking at different ones and trying to narrow down which ones she wanted. Cant wait for them to come in! Last night, she asked Chris to read Shoe La La to her. It is one of her favorites.

How cute is the cover??? It is very much like shoe shopping in real life. It makes me laugh.
And just like that, the weekend was over and it is back to the grind this morning! Jefferson County is FINALLY making it mandatory to wear a mask in public today. Why is it so hard to be a decent human anymore??? This is a constant soapbox that I will stand on because I am sick of the case numbers rising. I want to go back to enjoying all this city has to offer, but I cant do that when I dont feel safe leaving my house. As Ali put it, dont be a maskhole.
LOLOL don’t be a maskhole. LOVE IT. Can never go wrong with Mexican. Looks delicious. Hooray for getting back into reading!! Glad you guys had a good weekend!
People not wearing masks in public is just … so selfish. I don’t get it. Your s’mores machine is so cute! I need one!
How has it NEVER NOT BEEN A MANDATORY!!!! Because hello, you let people go on their own & they’ll care less about others. we had to go to a funeral home last night & me, Ricky & one of rickys sister was the ONLY people in the midst of about 50 people wearing a mask. I thought I was going to have a panic attack
that pic of Zoe with the smore is just magical.
I gotta try those keto doritos just to try them out. Smart. Without all the junk
I just went to Subway to grab lunch. Myself and one other patron had one masks. Out of ten that were in there at the same time. The employees had masks but the woman at the cash register had her mouth exposed and no gloves. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I am so over these people. The guy behind me was over 80 with no mask and ALL up in my space. I said out loud, “What the fuck.”
Masks are not mandatory in our state or county. I don’t think the mayors around here wear them. Grr.
I might need that Shoe La La book, lol. I love seeing the S’mores machine on your stories, I think our family would even like it, LOL! Girl, I know you feel the same way I do about masks and I literally was just jumping up and down for joy because our county finally made it mandatory and I’m so calling people out on it now! I was actually over the moon because I went to the grocery store today and 90% of the people are wearing them whereas last time only about 50% were. I’m so happy your county them mandatory as well
That is the cutest cover. I think my girls would like it too. It reminds me of Fancy Nancy. I love the idea of healthier cool ranch doritos. I miss those chips. Yay for more outside and sprinkler time. It has been hot here, but today it is a bit cooler which is a nice change. I love Mexican food and yours looks amazing! My girls would love the smores maker since they loved doing that when we were in Graeagle.
I don’t get not wearing a mask at all. People are the worst. I’m with Zoe: riding in the car always puts me to sleep!
I saw those faux Doritos and girl my mouth was watering – looks so good! I can’t get over how big Zoe is getting!! Such a doll! xo, Biana BlovedBoston
Those doriots look DELISH and now I’m craving s’mores too! And I hear ya on the masks, our county finally mandated it as well and I still see plenty of people not wearing them or wearing them incorrectly *sigh*…