I really need to crank out a few posts when I have my creative juices flowing for days like today. I don’t know what I am feeling today. Have you ever had one of those weeks where there isn’t one particular bad event that happened to have you down, but life just wore on you a little and you are trying to bring yourself back up? Does that even make sense at all? Probably not.
I just got back from lunch with one of my super sweet friends. I love our weekly lunches. We talk and chit chat about the little things in life, and then we vent. And vent….and….vent! It feels so good to have a friend that knows exactly how you feel about certain things and can completely relate to you. I swear we trade off on who is having the negative week and who is going to cheer who up!
Sometimes the best therapy in the world is lunch with a sweet friend, and that is what I got today. Some days you just need to get away for an hour!
So that this post isn’t completely Debbie Downer….I am going to leave you with some wonderful motivational pictures…and an announcement! Tomorrow on the blog I have a special post marking a 2 year anniversary of an event that has forever changed my life. I have been working on this post for a few months now. I hope you come back to take a look, and of course…I will be linking up with Joy for the Friday Five as well. 2 posts in one day? I know…I know…keep your excitement to a minimum!

And some penguins because they make me super happy!

YAY for penguins and girl lunches!!!! And that chick lifting the weights… yeah that position she is in made me laugh — OUT LOUD!!!!
I totally get life just wearing on you a little, with nothing really in particular.
I’ve had those weeks! I hope you feel better soon.
You just wrapped up my week in a nutshell! I even referred to myself as debby downer today. Blaahh….. I’m glad you were able to vent. Thankfully, I’ve been able to have lunch with a girlfriend to do the same thing. I blame it on the crappy indiana weather. 🙂