When I was falling asleep last night, my Nintendo DS light was blinking on and off because it was sitting on the charger. When I can’t fall asleep…my mind starts to wonder. Usually it is a bunch of random crap and if I spelled out a list you would think I was the most ADD person on the planet. However, last night I got to thinking, what if life was really like Super Mario?

First off, the main object of the game is to get to the castle and save the helpless Princess. Who is whiny and constantly begging Mario to come save her! I am not opposed to being a princess and having someone save me…I am just saying…can we make her look a little less helpless? Although, she rocks it in Mario Kart!

Mario sort of teaches that drugs make you awesome. I’m just sayin’. Take the mushroom for example. You have the red mushroom and the green mushroom. The red one makes you grow and the green one gives you an extra life. Then you have the flower that lets you spit fireballs and the leaf that makes you fly. Is Mario hallucinating all of this stuff? I think he is just tripping…

Mario is sort of violent. I mean, he kills everything he comes in contact with. Maybe he is paranoid from all the drugs? I mean…what did the turtle and the little fish ever do to you?

And why in the world is this Kangaroo so angry? I would throw its eggs back at it too!

Yoshi!!! This is Mario’s equivalent to my dogs. I love Yoshi!

One thing that bothers me about some of the Mario games is the short cuts. I mean, what is that teaching us? To use short cuts to get through life? Not the best lesson, Mario! Warp zone my ass! Short cuts come at the cost of the fun journey through these different lands!

Mario does teach us that hard work will pay off. And by hard work, I mean busting everything with your head. Don’t try this in real life kids!

Mario also teaches us to stop before we leap! You NEVER know what you might be getting in to!

My favorite thing about Mario is leveling up. From now on, that is what I do too!

There is no such thing as game over, you know that from just looking at the actual Nintendo! I don’t think there is any life lesson better than that.
Mario and Luigi may be “just plumbers” but their lives are pretty extraordinary anyways.
And that my friends is what went through my mind last night as I fall asleep. Your welcome.
WOW…. that’s really all I can say…. WOW! LOL
I don’t think I’ve ever played Mario past level one!
Life lessons from Mario…….THAT is some good stuff my friend!
This post is absolutely fabulous. I must say that if this is what you think about while trying to fall asleep I totall want to know what else you’ thinking.
You’re drug relations made me smile! You are fantastic my friend!
This is fantastic. I wonder if Mario is to blame for a lot of my adult decisions have not been that great? I mean I spent HOURS on the Nintendo…could it have subliminally rubbed off on me?
Wow, today I learned some cool lessons from my childhood’s friend, Mario. I’m proud to be a plumber now. Yeah!!!
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Hello there,
My name is Arnold and I’m a big fan of Mario. This is my favorite game ever. I grew up playing this very game only. Thank you for posting such a nice article about it.
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