Happy Friday!!! I can’t believe this is the last weekend of April, the month sure did fly by! Today is our last day in our current office, and it will be interesting to see if we can get the rest of the stuff packed in time! I spent a lot of time planning my projects so that I can get everything turned in and packed on time, fingers crossed!
Favorite Song: It has been awhile since I have shared a song. Probably because I am constantly listening to Moana, Frozen, Barney, Elmo, etc in the car. It was on my heart to share this song, like someone needed to hear it. Give it a listen.
Favorite Moments: Earlier in the week, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we spent every evening after work/school outside. It was so nice playing with the water table, watching Zoe ride her bike and drive around in her Minnie car. Chris played with his remote control car and we even took a family walk. Of course, the rain had to come in and spoil all that fun last night.

Favorite Purchase: I ordered some reusable make-up remover pads from Amazon. They are a great size, super soft, have pretty colors around the edge and came with a cute travel bag and mesh laundry bag. I love that they are so big, I only need to use one each night. Added bonus: no cotton pieces left all over my face! Do yourself, and the planet a favor and get you some!!!

Favorite Lust: I am thinking about pulling the trigger on these beauties, the ABEO Una from The Walking Company. I am not sure if I want to get the neutral bed or the metatarsal. Anyone have any experience with them?? I read a lot of reviews saying that the shoes are awesome for plantar fasciitis, but no one ever says which ones they went with.

Also, my deodorant game needs some help. Everything I use quits working after awhile. It is so annoying. For those of you who use the Kopari Coconut, do you truly like it??? I feel like the reviews have been skewed by all the influencers who get it for free. Does it last all day? Does it really work? What is your favorite?

Favorite Funnies:

Such a great song! It helped me a lot through my pregnancy. My deodorant ends up failing and I keep switching it up. I’m still searching for one I love. Sierra Beautifully Candid
Ok I am giggling because I love how Zoe even matches her toys..that girl..I want to go shopping with her!! Those reusable make-up remover pads have me intrigued!! The coffee pot and the straw…priceless and so are you!! Happy Weekend babe!
I personally don’t like the Kopari. I do feel it is the most gentle but it did nothing for smell… sorry to be graphic but it’s true. If you sweat it’s not great. I will wear it on days I won’t be working out/it’s not hot, but I wouldn’t wear it to the gym or during the summer. Just my take!
LOL the coffee pot straw holder….i wish!!
i’ve been staring at the reusable produce bags on amazon for the past day and a half and wondering if i should pull the trigger…..
Man. That song/music video just made me bawl. Sheesh. Thanks for that, Nadine. LOL
I still use TOMS deodorant. I know it’s not the best for you, but I can’t find a natural one I love. I need to get me some of those cotton pads!
That song is my new jam.
I never considered reusable face cloths, but now I have.. and sadly, I just purchased a 2-pack of my face wipes. When I run out, I’ll prob make the switch over.
I am interested in those make up remover pads. I love the idea of them. I need to listen to that song. Have a great weekend!
I loved your sidewalk chalk drawing and am glad you’ve had such great weather! That is always so nice for kiddos and I’m sure parents too! I already said I’m excited about the reuseable cotton rounds that you got! A friend got some recently too and is loving them! I am excited to start transitioning to more things like that as I use them up! I just ordered a kickstarter for re-useable cotton swabs! So jazzed about that! XO – Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
I don’t have the shoes but having bought a lot of these types, I think the metatarsal is better for PF but the neutral will probably be great too!
YES on the pads – I’ve used washable cotton flannels from an Etsy seller for a year (more?) and have zero regrets.
YEP… because you said so – I’m adding those face cloths to my cart!!!
That song – every time I hear it, I think of Chris Pratt singing it on his IG…. it was equally funny & really good!
LOL at the coffee pot. A part of me was like, “hmmm new weekend mug?” And amen to the grocery store! I get really agitate when I go to a different location & have no idea where something is because it’s not the exact same layout.
Fun post! I’m glad you had a lot of nice weather. Sorry about the rain though – we had some the last few days too, but I’m just glad it was nice weather for the MS Walk on Saturday. That would not have been fun to do in the rain. LOL I hope you had a really awesome weekend. It’s crazy that May starts on Wednesday!
Awe Zoe loves her water table, that’s great! She looks so cute playing with it. I tried Kopari and couldn’t deal…it did not hing for me 🙁 Norwex is still my tried and true favorite!
I have the Abeo shoes with metatarsal foot bed. They say if you have flat feet, your should get the normal foot bed. I had them do a foot scan and needed the metatarsal foot bed. Funny enough, I do have one flat foot. So, it’s best to go there and get a foot scan. Also, I do have plantar fasciitis and I swear by my Abeo shoes. I can walk and stand for hours in them. It should be noted that you will need to break them in a bit so that your body can adjust to them since you are not use to them. If you have any other questions, let me know. I have been going for treatments on my PF for the last year!
I honestly can’t get over how big zoe is getting – driving and all that!! She’s so beautiful and has an beautiful smile!! Hope you had a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
What a fun few evenings with Zoe– the nicer weather and being lighter outside longer is such a treat! I haven’t tried that deoderant but I started using the Schmidt’s one a few months ago and have been really impressed with it, though I haven’t used it through the warmer months yet.
I always love seeing Zoe’s cute smile and morning outfits. I’m sure her sunshine brightens your mornings. I always love your funny photos at the end…Hope the office move was for the better (location or size wise).
i don’t use a lot of cotton pads, but i have a bunch from when i bought them on sale, so once i am done with those, i have *got* to buy some of those reusable ones. no reason not to!