Happy Friday! Next week at this time, it will be Christmas Eve. I can’t believe it!!! This month is going way too fast, as it always tends to do. We always have so many things going on between birthdays, Christmas, work always gets busy, and there are so many activities going on at school. Even though I decorate early for Christmas, I feel like we haven’t had enough time to enjoy it yet! We have many more movies to watch, cookies to bake, and books to read. I am really hoping to embrace it all over the next week and soak in this time. Everything is so magical to Zoe, and I know that this we get a short window while they are little for it. So I try not to get frustrated coming up with a million things for the elf to do, or get too stressed about when I am going to find time to wrap all these gifts. You know?
Zoe came home sick last Friday. We kept her out of school Monday-Wednesday this week to recover. She tested negative for the big C and flu, and were told it was a flu-like virus. She was the sickest I have seen her for awhile on Monday. It breaks my heart to see littles not feel well. She has been a trouper and has been doing better. She went to school yesterday, and got to go to her dance party last night. The girls got to dress in pajamas and we all brought a treat with us. They danced to Alvin and the Chipmunks for us and looked ADORABLE!!! And then we all sat around a make-shirt floor table and snacked and had so much fun. I really love that a few of us moms have been together since the beginning. It is so fun watching our girls grow through dance.
Today Zoe has a class Christmas party at school. Each kid is bringing a wrapped book for a gift exchange. I absolutely love that! We decided it is going to be her last day for the year. We don’t want her getting sick next week and taking us all out for Christmas. Plus, I have a few fun activities in mind I would like to do with her…so having her here will be easier to find that time to do them.
I ran into a friend at Target yesterday, and we ordered a coffee and walked around the store for an hour just shopping together. I was helping her pick up some stocking stuffers for her kids and I had a few teacher gifts and party things to pick up. It was so fun and relaxing and I don’t know why I don’t do stuff like this more often? Also. The sugar cookie almond milk latte (or whatever that huge mouth full is called) is delicious.
Favorite Purchases: I have been wanting this collared sweatshirt for awhile and pulled the trigger. It is so soft and so nice looking in person. It looks more like a sweater than a sweatshirt, which I love. It is cozy and the neck with the zipper is so flattering.
I also grabbed this satin button up. Such a classic piece that is truly timeless. Both pieces were on sale, and I think they are still running a sale now.
Speaking of sales, Tuckernuck had an amazing one going on earlier this week! I had been looking at this dress all summer, and kept it tagged for next spring/summer. It is on major sale right now and still available in a few sizes!

Favorite Recipe: I saw this air fryer recipe for cinnamon roll bites. You can do them in the oven too. How perfect for Christmas morning???

Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
I’m so sorry baby girl was sick but I’m so glad she was better and got to enjoy all the festivities at the end of the week! She looks so cute in that green! The most festive little girl! I love the pieces you got I think I’m gonna pull the trigger and get that zippered top, so classy and will look great with jeans! Isn’t it fun just to walk around target and you are the second person this morning I’ve heard mention the sugar cookie almond milk latte, I’m totally getting it today. Hey it’s Festive Friday! Love you girl and have a great weekend!
I love her little outfit (can’t believe how big she looks!), and so glad she got to have that fun time with her dance friends. I’m wishing I would have gotten that zippered top too – BUUUUT I guess there’s still time? I hope you guys have a great weekend doing all the festive things!!
Seeing our little ones sick is the worst. I’m glad she’s ok. Such a good idea to keep her home next week. The germs are crazy this time of year. I love that her Christmas party had books as gifts. How great to run into a friend at Target and get some shopping time together. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great week with Zoe!
I’m so glad she’s feeling better and was able to do some fun things! Hope you all have a festive and fun weekend – this month really flew by!
I have been wanting that sweatshirt too, but the price. Ugh. Yay for still getting out and enjoying the holiday things. My girls had a pj day and treats yesterday too. I am sorry that Zoe was sick. Sutton has had a little cough and congestion too, but no fever or anything else. It seems like just a cold. I can’t believe we are almost to Christmas Eve. It is going by way too fast.
I am so sorry Zoe was sick! Sick kids are so sad to see. Lol to the phone number. I will never forget it even though my parents’ don’t have the number anymore. That Target time sounds heavenly! Enjoy your weekend and your time with Zoe next week!
Birthday month people are the worssssssst. Like, take a few days. Take a week. Do not proclaim a month.
Glad Zoe is feeling better!
Aww i am so sorry that Zoe wasnt feeling well, but happy it was before Christmas! I could have what we are eating for dinner tattooed on my forehead and still be asked LOL!
I’m glad Zoe was well enough to enjoy her parties! I love the book exchange idea!
Did you get the sugar cookie almond milk xyz as a warm drink?? I’ve only had it iced. I bet it’s delicious warmed up!! Enjoy your holidays! I hope your festive projects have been going well this week!
That meme about sitting on the floor to wrap Christmas gifts – SPOT ON! So sorry Z was so sick, but glad she’s better just in time for Christmas <3