Happy Friday!!!! Does it even matter that it is Friday anymore? To me I suppose it does, that means I have two days where I don’t have to juggle work into my day. But I usually end up doing some work in the mornings before Zoe wakes up on the weekends to make up for the interruptions I get during the week.
The weather here has been amazing this week. Mostly sunny and in the 60s. We have spent a lot of time outside, with Zoe riding her new bike around our driveway while I walk circles. I have gotten over an hour of “exercise” time in everyday doing that on top my normal workout.
Yesterday was a hard day. I have had zero alone time for over a month now. I cant even shower alone anymore, because I made the mistake of having Zoe jump in with me one evening and now she wants to every single time. Any other moms feeling like they might break soon??? I get about 45 minutes of a workout in by myself at 5am, but then I have to start working before Zoe wakes up to get an hour or two of uninterrupted work in. I definitely don’t count that as alone time.
Favorite Part of My Day: Burning this Tobacco Flower candle every morning while I have my coffee in my office before Zoe wakes up. It came in on Monday, and I have burned it every morning. First of all, can we talk about how gorgeous it is??? The smell is amazing!!! I burn it for an hour or two every morning…and when I come in my office late in the day…I can still smell it. LOVE!!!!!

Favorite Purchase: I dont know what it is about the tile floors in this house, but I cannot keep them clean. I have decided that I am going to have to go back to an old fashioned mop and bucket. After doing extensive research on several different ones, I chose the O-Cedar Spin Mop. It has a ton of good reviews, and it seems relatively easy to find replacement heads for it that wont break the bank. I will report back after a month or so of using it to let you know!
Speaking of cleaning, what I can recommend after about 6 months of using, is the Shark Navigator vacuum!!! I was looking into Dyson, but several people said they aren’t what they used to be. I like my shark hand held that I had for years, so I figured why not. This vacuum just feels like it is built sturdy. You can definitely tell as it maneuvers around that it was made with a lot of thought behind it. I love that the center detaches and you can easily carry it around to do the stairs, curtains, hard to reach areas, your car, etc. Plus it’s pretty.

Favorite Recipe: I found this recipe for Disney’s Dole Whip and I cant wait to try it!!! This will be perfect for a nice spring/summer treat on the weekend!

Favorite Workout: Rebecca has us doing 50 reps each in this leg workout. Basically they feel like they are going to fall off, but in a good way.
And then if you want your shoulders to hurt for two days….try this one. I didn’t feel my abs as much as my arms!! I also played Just Dance several times after doing this workout, so that might be the real issue.
Favorite Funnies:

I love my Shark. I think I’ve had it for 7 years now and it still works great! Ordering that mop now!
LOL – I’ll allow it. So many things have slid by. HAHA. I mean, he’s still breathing and is fed, and that’s the only bar I’m holding myself to. I’ve been too chicken to try that leg workout – maybe I can muster the courage to try it out.
I love my shark vacuum and my cedar mop. They are the best. I made the mistake of my girls showering with me and now they refuse a bath and just want showers with me. So I am right there with you. Not even shower time is alone time anymore. Sending you hugs. I hope we get out of this quarantine business soon.
I saw that recipe for Dole Whip & was wanting to try it.
I swear by the Swift Jet for floors… my dogs keep me going with them.
I keep saying that I dont know how moms of young kiddos are making it … I’m sure you are so longing for that alone time. Hang in there.
We’ve had original wood floors in our last two houses, so I had the O-Cedar spin mop last year. I did like it a lot. It got lost in transit when moving so I don’t know where it is. But I got a sponge mop recently and it does the job but I don’t love it.
Also, we had the Shark Navigator in white, just like that one. I did love it. Then we remodeled and Scott used it to vacuum up drywall and there’s only so much of that a vacuum can take, I suppose. I 100% do NOT recommend Dyson though. I hated ours. It never worked.
Do y’all have family nearby to help with Zoe or give you any breaks? I’m thankful for family dinners where we’ll get together and then they’ll play with Viv for a bit and give me some “me” time. I love my Shark vacuum. For Christmas, Zac got me the cordless Dyson and it’s great for the kitchen but I still prefer my shark on the thicker carpets and rugs. I’ve heard such great things about the dole whip ice cream. My friends family went to Hawaii and toured Dole and got to try a scoop following their tour. Sounds tasty! I read a health tip this week that said pineapple juice is 500x more effective than cough syrup bc it contains “Bromelain”. I wonder if pineapple ice cream will work just the same? Hmm..
Kaitlyn @ Oh, the Places We’ll Go!
that mop…I was eyeing it as well. looking fwd to your review
I so feel you on no alone time!! I honestly can’t wait to go back to work so I can go to the bathroom on my own LOL! I haven’t really caught up with my workouts and hope to get back to that this week! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I might have to try those workout videos. My dance classes are finally virtual every week, but I still want to try and find other things to do on days I don’t have dance. Love all the funnies, as always. “I’ll allow it” – cracks me up. I am curious about the Dole Whip. Might need to try and make it.
Ughhh. NO ALONE TIME. I spend all day entertaining a 4 month old. Half her naps happen on me and I’m never prepared for those (i.e. with a Kindle or Switch nearby). Then she goes to bed and my extrovert husband needs me to sit in the same room as him. Lol.
I need to try that leg workout. And the Dole whip. And now I need to smell that candle!