It is time for those monthly confessions!!!
–Everyone around me is on some special diet or new workout program and being all beast and I am over here like oh don’t mind me waddling on my treadmill and lifting 5 lb weights. I know that I am supposed to be taking it easy and gaining weight right now being pregnant and all but let me get real with you for a second. It scares the shit out of me, I have always struggled with weight. I am trying to remain healthy most of the time and indulging here and there when I really have a strong feeling about something and not worrying about it too much but I know come January it is going to be a bitch when I am cleared to work out.
–Speaking of indulgences. I found a new addiction and I don’t care who knows it! Have you tried the Cheesecake Fiber One Bars? Cartwheel had a coupon for them at Target so I grabbed a box and OMG! They taste legit like cheesecake. If you exclude the whole processed factor, they are a little less guilt?
–It is really hard to not go baby crazy and buy all the things. I am trying to be practical and really think about each item and if we really need it or not. Or if there is an item that is more a 2-in-1 kind of deal versus separate things. For a tiny human, baby gear sure takes up a lot of space!!!
–I cant swim. Have I ever mentioned that before? My mom sentΒ me to swimming lessons when I was in second grade and I had a traumatizing experience and made a scene the next day so that my mom would pull me out. No one ever bothered to try again with me later and now as an adult, deep water where I can’t touch terrifies me.
–Each week while I am getting ready for work, I think ab0ut all the things I can accomplish on the weekend. Do you know how many of those things actually get done that next weekend? Usually none. Clearly we need a third day off every week. A day to get all the shit done.
Confessions in ecard

Link up with Kathy and I and spill all your secrets!!!
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Uhhh I need those cheesecake Fiber One bars! Yum! And is there anything worse than toothpaste in your hair/on your shirt? Or mascara all over your face? When the day starts like that, I know it’s going to suck!
I confess that I attempted to write a confessions post and was so uninspired by anything I had to say. I wasn’t funny. I wasn’t thought-provoking. I wasn’t informative. So, I said “Stuff it!” Y’all will be just fine without me!
Girl…learn to swim. You will have so much fun taking baby to the beach someday π
At least you get in the water even though you can’t swim…which I’m not sure if that’s a good idea lol! haha that not wanting to go to work look – yep! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
don’t you worry about the weight thing. just keep moving like you are and when baby comes/you’re cleared for exercising, the weight will be easier to come off since you’ve been maintaining your exercise. you are doing the right thing so keep at it!
Constantly thinking ahead at all I want/need to do! Yeah, get this, the boys devour the cheesecake fiber one bars, have to hide sime back for myself, lol. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
I would definitely be buying allllll the baby stuff. I went nuts for my friend when she was pregnant π
Learn to swim, lady! My husband isn’t a strong swimmer and doesn’t go where he can’t touch π It’s a valuable skill to have!
That Maleficent meme is me 100%. Hahaha!
HAHAHAHA at spitting toothpaste in your hair — I do that more than I should probably admit. Or accidentally swiping the mascara wand across your nose? YEP, certainly know how that day is going to go. Haha, the wanting to buy everything doesn’t stop after baby is born either — I seriously had reign it in. But it’s still fun.
dan girl i am the worst, i totally forgot about the link up today, please forgive me!
gaining weight whilst growing a baby scares me too. i know you have to, but it’s scary to be out of control like that.
but you should definitely buy all the baby things! who cares! mwahahaha
The cheesecake bars are amazing! Don’t stress too much about gaining weight while pregnant, and don’t overdo. It really is better to stay within a healthy range for the baby and with you being so active and having a set workout routine, you will be fine once she is born. Jillian Michaels never failed to whip my butt right back into shape after both babies. π
Those cheesecake bars are so good! I totally agree. and we definitely should be able to throw water balloons at people. Although, I would probably get hit with my fair share!
I need to get those cheesecake bars, it sounds delicious!
Girl the struggle is for real with pregnancy weight gain! I know I’m supposed to be gaining weight, but it doesn’t make it any easier feeling so huge and watching the number on the scale go up and up even though I’m still working out. We’ve got this and are building healthy beautiful baby girls! And don’t worry about not being able to swim, at least you can still hang out in the shallow end or float around on a fun floatie! My husband never learned how to ride a bike until our neighbor recently taught him. It was so cute watching him get lessons around the neighborhood!
I’m keeping my eyes out for the cheesecake bars.
You should learn to swim after you have the baby – make it a mom/child event. Always a good thing to learn. I get the fear but I bet there is someone who can work with you on that.
Ok, those fiber one cheesecake bars are dangerous. I have to pack only one to work in the morning because I would probably eat the whole box. And I’m totally with you on needing a third day off! Glad I stumbled upon your blog.
Beautifully Candid
Omg I can’t swim either and even had lessons! It’s even better now that I have a pool. Until Scott got me not one, but two noodles to float on. I WOULD NOT go past my shoulders. Now I do but I cling to them for dear life.
I totally have the same fear when it comes to getting pregnant and wanting to eat all the things! I’ve always been a big yoyo dieter, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to handle it in the future when we decide to start our family. And yes to all the Fiber One products! They’re surprisingly good, and the perfect “healthier” option for a snack!
omg omg omg I want to hug you through the damn computer screen. I can’t swim either! So many people are like whaaaat?! but i have a pretty bad back story to it so I just am too terrified to learn as an adult. I do go to the pool and get in the shallow end to hang out with everyone, but I don’t see the need to go and dive in anyways. I’m cool with chilling and getting my tan and drink on. hahahha
Omg. Babies really do need ALL the things. I was convinced there was no way we would use all of this stuff and kept almost everything wrapped so we could return it… and so far I think the only thing we haven’t touched is a travel bottle warmer, ha! It’s insane!
I missed your link up again! I agree with the 3rd weekend day! I still probably wouldn’t get shit done though.
Fiber one bars make me nervous – if you know what I mean! And yes – behave on the baby buying (even though it’s so fun) – you will get tons of stuff at your baby shower(s). I wish you could swim – only so you didn’t fear the water because I know how extreme that can feel – my mom is terrified and it’s hard to watch it.
Oh my gosh, the eCard about hitting someone with a water balloon – that frickin’ cracks me up! I’m dying here just thinking about it. Too funny.