
BBQ Chicken (Low Carb)

When you live in the south, you are very passionate about BBQ. Everyone has an opinion on who has the best, and sometimes it is hard to chose because every town has at least a few places. Even where we used to live, where the town radius was like a 3 mile stretch….we had a BBQ place. And it is on the top 5 list for the whole state in my book.

But you know the one issue with eating BBQ when you are trying to lose weight?? The amount of sugar and crap in the sauce. Because lets be honest, the sauce is what you are there for!!! Enter this low carb crock pot BBQ Chicken Recipe!!!

What You Need

Chicken breast (I had just over a pound, get as much as you need. You will have extra sauce.)

15 ounce can tomato sauce

2 TBSP Swerve brown sugar (can replace with real brown sugar or completely omit)

2 TBSP Worchestershire sauce

2 TBSP mustard

2 TBSP apple cider vinegar

1 TBSP onion powder

1 TBSP chili powder

2 TSP Liquid Smoke

1 TSP salt

1 TSP garlic powder

What You Do

Dump it all in the crock pot on high for 5 hours or low for 8 hours. Boom! can it be any simpler than that???

I threw some green onion on ours when I plated it for a little extra something something. Chris had his with a side of green beans, I ate mine over half a sweet potato because I am not longer doing keto.

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  • Reply Biana April 22, 2020 at 9:36 am

    MMMMM good!! Thanks for sharing – this sounds delish!

  • Reply Andrea Nine April 22, 2020 at 11:15 am

    Totally making this! Looks so scrumptious!

  • Reply Kaitlyn April 22, 2020 at 1:37 pm

    So simple and easy and I’m here for it!

    Kaitlyn @ Oh, the Places We’ll Go!

  • Reply Carly April 23, 2020 at 7:04 am

    Oh yum! The only thing I think we don’t have is mustard– ours was randomly really expired, but can hopefully pick some up on our next grocery run .

  • Reply Danielle April 23, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    I really want Rory to make this for me as I have a hard time prepping and making chicken at all since I had my girls.

  • Reply laura April 24, 2020 at 8:37 am

    That looks delicious – and I love how there isn’t so much sugar in it. I always forget how good BBQ is over a sweet potato – I think we’ll need to add that to our rotation for sure.

  • Reply ShootingStarsMag April 27, 2020 at 9:24 am

    Oh this looks fantastic, and I think my whole family would really love it. I like that it’s a crockpot meal too, because those are just handy.


  • Reply Dani May 6, 2020 at 4:24 pm

    I was all on board until I saw “liquid smoke” and for some reason in my head I was like “Why they using liquid nitrogen- that doesn’t sound safe…” but then I realized it’s the sauce and it’s available on Amazon so YAY! Definitely making this this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

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