
20 Question Before 2014 (Part One)

I have seen this go around blog land and had already had all my posts scheduled out. While it was too late to link up for it, I really wanted to write this post for me. I thought a lot of these questions were really good and a great way to reflect.

1. What am I most proud of this year?

This year I have taken back control of my body. I was slacking with work outs, eating right and going to the doctor when I should. I can proudly say that I have been working out consistently five days a week since July. I conquered my horrible anxiety and made an appointment to go to the dentist for the first time in years. I had my wisdom teeth taken out and a crown put on this year, and will take care of the rest next year. (Hello crappy insurance.) I also went to my general doctor and figured out that no, it isn’t normal to feel like shit and tired all the time and he figured out what was wrong with me and got me on a treatment plan!

2. How can I become a better ________ ? friend

I haven’t been to Atlanta in over two years to visit any of my friends. I miss them all terribly and have made it one of my goals to visit more often!

3. Where am I feeling stuck?

I struggle with being afraid of change and succeeding. I think I hold myself back in general. I have lots of great ideas but never follow through with them in fear that I will fail. This is something that I really plan on working on.

4. Where do I need to allow myself grace?

I am working on realizing that I cant make everyone happy. That is impossible. I cant be perfect all the time either. When I mess up or don’t get to do something, I need to remember that it is ok.

5. Am I passionate about my career?

I am very thankful for the position that I have now. It might not be exactly what I wanted to do, yet I feel that really any job is going to have its ups and downs. This position is in the field of my major, I have wonderful co-workers, a decent work schedule, a good company to work for, and I am treated like a human. I don’t drive in to work every morning hating life, and really…that is so important!

One day I would love to have my own store or design something. That doesn’t have to be today.

6. What lessons have I learned?

I have finally learned that forgiveness is not for anyone but yourself. I have been holding on to some anger and sadness for  a very long time and I realized that forgiving isn’t giving in, it is letting go and moving on. Forgiveness is closure for yourself.

7. What did my finances look like?

Another great  blessing with finding another job earlier this year, is that it was a pay increase. I am so thankful for that! We have had some set backs this year due to Chris’s car accident and the person not having insurance. Having to pay out of pocket for the deductible for our insurance, and all of the medical bills has sucked. Not to mention my dental work isn’t cheap. Remind me again why we have to pay so much even with health insurance?!  But, we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and we still managed each month and have been able to acquire some fun new things this year. We are truly blessed.

A goal that we started a few months ago was to start going out less and spending more time at home. This will be a goal to continue into next year.

8. How did I spend my free time?

Chris and I have really enjoyed gaming again this year. We spent the first half of the year setting up our basement with all our retro systems, a projector and a new couch down there. I love it because it is something we both enjoy, and we do it together! In the last month we have gotten all the new systems that have come out and are excited to get some new games to play. I have so much fun! I love all the smack talking we do.

We also have a pretty long list of TV shows that we keep up with. I love settling in for an evening of TV and good food. I find it very relaxing!

9. How well did I take care of my body, mind and soul?

I talked about this a lot in the first question. I have gotten myself back on track with working out regularly. I have been eating about 80% clean/healthy. I cut out most alcohol, sodas and limited my eating out or bad foods. I go to the doctor if I feel something isn’t right and get it taken care of.

I have started reading again. I feel like reading is a great way to keep your mind sharp. It doesn’t have to be some deep reading, I have been reading the Harry Potter series and I really feel like it has brought some of my creativity back.

I have been working on my soul as far as learning to forgive, love deeper, and learn how to relax.

10. How have I been open minded?

I have tried some new foods this year. New drinks. Watched some new shows and read books that I might now have normally picked. Chris and I made a new friend by taking a chance and traveling up to Huntsville. Most importantly, I have really felt great about having an open mind in blogging. Coming to this space and sharing my life every day. My thoughts. Receiving comments about what I write, and having an open mind about what people say. I love reading all of your blogs too. There might be a different view on something that opens my mind to a new way of seeing something.

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  • Reply jackie December 30, 2013 at 1:54 pm

    that is so great that you’ve been more proactive with your health! sometimes we just want to ignore things but it is definitely better to tackle those issues now so they don’t become worse later. and also agree that any kind of reading helps to keep your mind sharp!
    — jackie @ jade and oak

  • Reply SMD @ Life According to Steph December 30, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    Good job on your health – that is totally on my 2014 list for real.

    Trying to please everyone will only succeed in pleasing no one – make sure you’re happy and go from there!

  • Reply kathy@vodka and soda December 30, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    hi-five on your health! eating clean has made such a huge difference for me in all aspects and improved my life 1000-fold!

    here’s to 2014 being just as awesome 🙂

    Vodka and Soda

  • Reply Liz @ Fitness Blondie December 30, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    My love, if you go to Atlanta, please come to Charlotte too! I am in south Charlotte, only about 3 hours from the ATL. It would make my life. Love you girl, cheers to a new year!!!

  • Reply Amanda December 31, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    I agree with you… these are great questions to answer. Very thought provoking! There are good things in store for you in 2014… I know it! 🙂

  • Reply Rachelle January 1, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    Oh it’s so important to enjoy your job and not dread it. I’m so glad you’ve found that! It sounds like you have made huge strides over the past year getting centered and that’s awesome 🙂

  • Reply Lauren January 2, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    If it isn’t too personal, would you share with me what was “wrong” and why you were tired all the time? I feel like I have been tired for years and the doctor just asked me if I was depressed. Being dismissed by the medical community has not made me eager to approach a new doctor with the same issue!

    Good for you for working out. I still need to find a schedule that will work for me but your dedication is so amazing. It sounds like 2013 was pretty good and I hope 2014 is even better!

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