I really REALLY enjoyed the Blog Every Day in May challenge. It gave me a chance to focus on certain topics that I might not have come up with on my own…but allowed me to write from my heart. Well, there is a new challenge for September and I am so excited!
Today’s topic is: Describe where you come from. The people, places and/or factors that make up who you are.
There are so many ways to go with this post. When I first read the topic for today, a conversation with my husband came to my mind. It hit me hard after the conversation was over. He made me realize how amazing my mom really is. I mean, I know she is awesome…she’s my mom. But it goes so much deeper than that.
Chris and I were talking in the car one day last week. My mom had called and it wasn’t a good time for me to talk, as we were about to get out and run an errand. I hit the silent button and told Chris I promised my mom I would call her that day and I would do it when we got home. Chris was like yeah, sometimes when you and your mom talk you two don’t just hang up easily, one of you keeps thinking of more to say. I was like I know…I don’t get to talk to her on the phone as much as we would like because of our work schedules. Chris then said, “I just realized something. Your mom really loves you. Like REALLY loves you. Sort of how you love me. I see where it comes from now.” I was like “Yeah. She really does. My mom loves me and my sister unconditionally.”
She made her whole life about us when we were younger. There for our ups and downs. Always encouraging us to be who we want to be and do our best. Chris made me realize that my mom’s love for me is where my understanding of love comes from. I realized that she has always been the rock and foundation in my life. The reason why I am who I am today.
Even though we moved around a lot growing up, my mom always found a way to make a house our home. She cooked us dinner every night. She knew the importance of communication and family togetherness. She always tried to do things with us that we would be interested in. She even got into Nintendo so that she could play with us. She loves playing board games because it brought us together, and to this day she still tries to get us to play when we are around.
She always said a book is never a waste of money. She might have said no to other things we would ask for…a toy at Walmart or candy while we were waiting to pay for groceries…but she never said no to books. She would get so excited when we were excited about a book.
Traditions are always important to her. She bakes certain things every year for holidays and gatherings out of tradition. Her and I have gone black Friday shopping every year for as long as I can remember. We always map out our plan with sales ads the night before (or hours before these days since we start Thanksgiving night now.) We spend all day shopping and laughing and having a great time. My sense of togetherness in every day activities is because of how my mom raised us.
I know that my mom always wants the best for me. I know that she hates to see when I am down or upset, or have some type of drama going on. She always has the right thing to say, and never says anything that she knows is going to make things worse.
My mom is the reason why I am who I am today and I am so thankful for that. If I end up half the person that she is…that is great!

Your mom rocks!
hey, what happened to my comment? grrr damn you, blogger!!
my comment was that moms teach you a lot but it’s not until you’re older when you truly realize her lessons 😉
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