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–I had strawberry shortcake for breakfast two days in a row.

–I strongly believe there is a difference between cool whip in a container and the whipped cream you get in a squirt can. I want the one in the can because let’s be honest, I squirt that shit right in to my mouth. Also, it tastes way better.

–In non-fat kid confessions, I have really been working on my arms. Gotta look good in all these short sleeved and sleeveless tops I will be wearing all summer!

–I wear my jean jacket way to often in the spring and summer. It makes all of my fun summer dresses work appropriate. Perhaps I should get another one that looks different so it doesn’t look like I am wearing the same thing 3-4 days a week.

–I seriously geeked out over my Allure box this month, but is there anything better than trying out new skin care products and loving them? I think not!! Washing my face in the evenings is a real task when I am tired so when I have something new to get excited about, it is a little less daunting.

–My pale as shit legs haven’t stopped me from wearing all the dresses the last few weeks. Pasty is the new sexy guys, come on let’s make it a thing!!!

–I get really impatient in between Audible credits. I really wish my library wasn’t so tiny and shitty and had more than three audio books to borrow. I am not exaggerating you guys, they literally have three. Their ebook selection isn’t much better. Thank goodness for Netgalley, am I right?!?!

Confessions in ecard:

It's a new record.:

i like to think its a little of both:

That moment when you have to leave the clothes you just bought in the trunk of your car because your husband is home.:

yes, please. lol:

Haha this is true!:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 33 Pics:

More Coffee Less Talky


Link up with Kathy and I and spill all your secrets!
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–You guys, I am so sick of hearing about Donald Trump said this or Hilary did that or whatever about the candidates. They are all a bunch of damn idiots and I don’t think we have a good chance with any of them. #meforpresident

–I would never actually want to be president of this county, I just want someone who is qualified for the job and not a sell out. I don’t think that is possible these days. #sellout

–I haven’t had a pedicure in years. I usually do them at home myself. I think I really need to get one soon so I can just keep up with their professional job. I have been so lazy with my feet over the winter I am not sure there is any coming back. At least the nails are painted? #sendhelp

–I was talking to my mom last night and I kept trying to say the word “anticipation” and it kept coming out participation and I was getting so angry. I basically gave up and said you know what I mean…I was prepared. She just laughed. #cantword

–After a trip to Sephora last night, I realized that I am actually not that terrible at picking foundation shades for my skin. No one can. Seriously, the girl that worked there tried for 30 minutes and we barely got an ok match. I really didn’t think my skin was that rare of a color? I mean….I’m pale. But apparently I am pale with no yellow undertones, I am a cooler pale. But I do have some red undertone. And I am not always the palest color but then we can try 4 different colors in one brand and nothing works. This is not a way I want to be unique. I just want to buy all the fun foundations everyone else gets, damnit! #finickyskin

–I got off the wrong exit to go to work yesterday morning. It took me longer than I would like to admit until I realized what I did. #whoops

–I just realized that it has been fifteen years this month since I graduated high school. Holy shit. #old

Confessions in ecard





so true except Monday should take up at least two lines:

Work funnies:


More Coffee Less Talky


Now link up with Kathy and I and spill all your secrets!
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–When April 27th rolls around, all the bad memories come back to surface. If you have no clue what I am talking about, I shared my family’s personal story here. I watched that video again when I went back to find that post and tears just streamed down my face. It is hard to believe that five years have passed. #wewillneverforget

–I ordered cookies from my niece for her cheerleading fundraiser. They came in last week and I have eaten at least one freshly baked cookie every day since. I am going to have to ban food fundraisers from coming across my attention. #cookiemonster #nofucksgiven

–I was totally off my response game last week. My goal yesterday was to respond to last week’s confession post comments before this one went live. Sorry about that! #betterlatethannever

–When is the last time you had Sierra Mist? When we stopped at Louie’s last weekend, they had fountain Sierra Mist and I was intrigued. I completely forgot how truly amazing it is!!! Get you some!

–Now I just really want more fountain Sierra Mist. Fountain soda is always the best!

–I want to experiment with drugstore foundation. I haven’t given any a try in years and I see so many people talking about one of their holy grails being from a drugstore so lay it on me. What’s  your favorite???

Confessions in ecard


"Suggestions without options"....I like that. A lot.:

Animate your ecards with the free Animate Me app. Make photos talk and move to the sound you apply - Make this photo into a video greeting card!

This is a list of what I'm willing to do for people who only call me when they need something!:

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.:


Sounds about right:

Link up with Kathy and I and spill all your secrets!
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Confessions – Things I Wonder About

My mind is always going. Sometimes it is for a personal issue, a work thing, and big life stuff. Other times it is over things that really make no real difference but still have me questioning. Like…

–Does anyone ever win the Goodreads give-aways? I swear I have signed up for about 100 and never won a single one!!!

–Who is getting all the Influenster boxes I take surveys for and never hear back from? No really, who?!?! And why aren’t my answers good enough?!?!

–What do my dogs do all day when we are at work?

–Is it the chicken or the egg?

–Can there be infinite numbers of me and infinite numbers of universes?

–Horrific and terrific never made any sense to me. Why is something that is horrible horrific, yet terrific and terrible are completely different things. Who did this?!

–You can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed, but can you just be whelmed?

–What is really out in the sky past the moon and stars that we can see? Is what we think of earth and our solar system really just a locker or a necklace like Men in Black?

–Why are crocs still in stores?

–Does Apple do things so that we get pissed with our iPhones shortly before the newest model is due to come out? I think yes. They have to. It’s like the announcement that a new phone is coming out happens today and tomorrow my battery life is shit and three days from now I suddenly have no space on my phone.

–Why do all the “bad foods” have to taste so good and cauliflower have to be the nastiest tasting grossest smelling thing ever?

What are some things that make you wonder?

And now some confessions and ecard

i don't want to adult today - Google Search:

My hobbies include eating and complaining that I'm getting fat:


Confession Ecards, Free Confession Cards, Funny Confession Greeting Cards at

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 77 Pics:

Every time.:




More Coffee Less Talky

Link up with Kathy and I and spill all your secrets!
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–I can’t stand gum smackers. There is a  new person that sits in a cube near me and she is a smacker. One day it was driving me insane!!! To the point that my skin was crawling. We have Skype Messenger at work, and I messaged my co-worker and asked if he could hear it to. He said, “No, but now that you pointed it out to me I can and it is going to drive me crazy!!!” A few minutes go by and he messages me back and says, “You know, I blame you more than I blame her.” Haha. #oops #stopsmacking

–I keep forgetting that I have Snapchat. Sometimes I will go a week in between opening the app. Sorry. I am old, it is hard to keep up with all this social media!

–Once I have something in my head for lunch, I am all set. If that location changes, nothing sounds good to me. We were supposed to have lunch with my sister on Sunday at this little hole in the wall near my house.  Well, Chris looks up the menu Sunday morning and says “Ummmm they are closed Sundays.” Well shit! These people are from Philly and have a legit Whiz sandwich where they fly ingredients from Philly three days a week. They also have Philly style pizza, but that is neither here not there. I wanted my damn whiz sandwich and nothing sounded good the rest of the day. Not even Mexican. So you KNOW I was serious!!! #iwantwhatiwant

–On Monday I had baked beans for breakfast. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. #itwasdelicious

–If I had a dime for every time I grabbed my cell phone to do something but got distracted by a notification and forgot the reason why I was on my phone in the first place just to do it all again….I would be a rich, rich woman. #ADD

Confessions in ecard:

Happiness is...:

haha...every time...:


Link up with Kathy and I and get those confessions off your chest!

More Coffee Less Talky


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