Once again, it is Thursday!

It’s OK…
…that I made every effort to miss the traffic this morning that I received texts about only to get myself in even more traffic and was still late.
…that my dog Mac had an attitude with me this morning, and smacked me in the face. Really Mac? He is just so darn cute, I instantly forgot that he was being a little shit 🙂Â
…that I plan on having lunch with one of my coworkers at a Mexican restaurant for lunch today even though I packed soup. I need some girl time! (You know I will be consuming chips and salsa…sigh)
…that I can’t remember if I took my vitamin C this morning or not so I took another just in case.Â
…that my husband emailed me and told me that we have a new Modern Family and Law and Order SVU to watch tonight and it was the most excited I got all day.Â
…that a bowl of Special K is what was for dinner last night for me.Â
…that I have thousands of pins on Pinterest and I haven’t hardly done anything crafty lately!
…that I haven’t quite gotten a hang of the Twitter thing yet, but I am working on it.
…that it was in the 40’s earlier this week and is supposed to be in the 70’s on Saturday. (It really isn’t ok…make up your mind crazy Alabama weather!)
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