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The Magic of Christmas

I was ten when I learned who Santa really was. Deep down I had known for a few years, but remained in denial because I didn’t want to let go of the magic that surrounds Christmas. My classmates were so rude to come to school and talk about how their parents told them “the truth.” Why would you ruin that for someone else?

Luckily, my sister Tracy is four and a half years younger than me, and I had to keep believing for her. And that is when I realized, I will never stop believing in the magic of Christmas. Even though Santa might be a made up character, the magic and true meaning behind Christmas will never die. It is never fake or make believe.

Maybe some might think it is silly that I get so excited about the holiday. I find complete joy in putting up the Christmas tree. Each and every ornament holds a story or memory. As I hang our stockings, I remember picking them out after looking at hundreds several different ones and wondering if we will ever add more to them for more animals or even kids. As the garland is strung along the fireplace, I bask in the beauty of nature and how something so simple is so beautiful. All the while Christmas music is playing in the background and egg nog fills my Christmas mug.

The magic of Christmas isn’t in your belief of Santa or how many presents you receive. The magic is in your heart. It is your memories of the past, your enjoyment of the present, and your hopes and dreams for the future. The magic of Christmas can only be as strong as you let it be.

This season, and for years to come…why don’t you just embrace it. Don’t let the holidays stress you out. Who cares if that batch of cookies didn’t get baked, or all of your cards didn’t go out. Enjoy all the little moments of the season, the company of your loved ones, and the true spirit of Christmas.

Christmas, confessions

Christmas Confessions

So today I have some Christmas style confessions for you!

–I have never in my life built a gingerbread house. How this is even possible, I do not know? I feel completely cheated on life experiences and this needs to be fixed.

I think I am going to go home one night and say this to Chris:

I have never been ice skating either.

–I don’t think this is any secret, but I am one of those. The annoying people that whip out Christmas music before the Halloween decor collects a spec of dust!

–Every year I have to have a box of Queen Anne’s Cordial Cherries. It doesn’t matter that they are made of cheap chocolate, it is tradition! They hold magical powers.

–I love Christmas shopping. LOVE IT! Maybe because I like finding that perfect something for everyone that I care about. And gift wrapping? Love it too! While singing Christmas songs, of course!

–I get a little emotional every year when I pull the crystal angel out of the box to place on our tree. It was my grandmothers and used to hang on her tree. I like to think she is my angel looking over me every year.


–I die a little inside when people start to get all stressed out about plans for Christmas. I love spending time with my family and this is my favorite time of year. I try not to let it bring my spirit down.

–Some of my favorite memories from my childhood are from Christmas time.

–I love getting Christmas cards in the mail. Snail mail is dying, and I hate that. Nothing is more exciting than seeing all the love in your mail box after a long day at work.

Confessions in ecards

Oh gosh yes.



I eat more batter/dough than actual finished product!!!