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new years

Peace Out 2014

Here we are, December 31, 2014. Did you accomplish all that you wanted to when you set out on January 1 this year? Did you make it the best year that you possibly could? I think about these things each year as it comes to an end.

Here’s a confession, I am not the biggest fan of New Years Eve as in let’s go out and party. I feel places are overcrowded, everything is overpriced and you know there is going to be about five road blocks on the way home and you are dodging drunks left and right. So why do I get excited about the new year?

I like to look at the calendar turning over as a fresh start. Around the holidays I tend to be a little lax on my diet and exercise as I let life happen and enjoy myself. Do I throw out all my hard work? No. So I wont be that person who hits up the gym for the first three weeks of the new year only to drop it again. However, I do tend to challenge myself in January to set the bar for the new year of health and fitness for me. I let go and forgive myself for those few extra cookies I had, or the seasonal brews I indulged in and just push forward.

I also like to look at out home, see what’s working and what needs changing. Our finances, perhaps there is somewhere we can save that we haven’t realized yet. My time with family, after enjoying the closeness during the holidays I try not to let it go away just because they are over. I was reminded how important family time is and try to make a plan to see those people regularly.

In the end wallpaper quote 2014 2015

Some people prefer a spring cleaning, I prefer seasonal cleanings and purges and January is a great time to purge that in which you don’t need or no longer makes you happy.

So cheers everyone!!! Cheers to a great 2015! May we all be healthy and happy.