Hurricane Sally is making her way to the gulf coast, which almost always has some kind of impact here. I decided to check my weather app this morning just to see how much rain we are supposed to get. Low and behold, after the rain the next three days, the temperatures are going to be in the 70’s for the next week, with lows in the high 50s!!!! HELLO FALL!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure we will have another heat wave, because this is Alabama and fall doesn’t happen until November, but I will take it!

Besides our usually weekend car rides, we didn’t really have any excitement this weekend. My sister did drop by on Saturday for a few minutes, and it is always nice to see her! That morning before she came over, I cut the hedger out and went to town on the trees and bushes in the front flower bed of the house, and hit some of the side of the house ones. Even though it was overcast and the temperature wasn’t too bad, it was so humid, I eventually had to stop. It looks a lot better, and I should only have to do it one more time to get everything ready for “winter.” Well, with the exception of weeding, which I have to do like every two weeks. Damn weeds.

Zoe and I hung outside in the shade for awhile, and made our way onto the deck so she could play in her sand box and we set up her water stations.

That night I made a meatloaf for dinner. Haven’t made the classic kind in forever! I usually make the healthy/fancy keto friendly kind. I usually love to have mashed potatoes with this dish, but we don’t really keep potatoes on hand, so green beans it was! Zoe LOVES green beans by the way. The meatloaf, she was not a fan. I can’t blame her. I didn’t eat meatloaf until I was an adult.

Sunday, we went for another car ride and hung around the house the rest of the day. Zoe and I had a little picnic with snacks in the shade of the backyard.

I finished reading Rosie’s Traveling Tea Shop Sunday evening, and am starting His Only Wife. Trying to get through some Netgalley books. I keep requesting new ones, and have some that are super old sitting on the shelf. Rosie’s Tea Shop was from 2019, I think I have a few on there from even before that. Oops.
I have started setting out some fall decor. I never really decorated for fall before. I am not huge into Halloween things, and going for more of the pumpkins and fall to leave out through Thanksgiving. Though, we do have a few Snoopy Halloween things that I want to incorporate somewhere. I redid our fireplace mantel. I am not done yet, but this is where I am.

I need some more pumpkins, but am at the mercy of what I can find online. I don’t know why Hobby Lobby has to be out of all their cute stuff online. Get it together! Where is your favorite place to shop for fall decor? There are a few things I have my eye on at Kirkland’s. Do you decorate for fall or Halloween/Thanksgiving?
Mmm meatloaf. I haven’t made that in so long! Send me some of those 50’s will ya! Hope your weather isn’t too bad, this Sally is drunk! I just decorated for fall too, I do a combo of Marshall’s finds and old Hobby Lobby stuff when I used to live in Texas.
Hhaha, you know I go all out for Halloween – It’s junk from everywhere! I was quite disappointed in my findings this weekend at At Home and Home Goods. I’m stealing that backyard picnic idea to do with Sheff. Can’t WAIT for a little bit of fall weather.
Kyle wishes I didn’t decorate for fall/Halloween… lol. I go all out. Our house is decorated on the inside already- I usually wait until October to do the outside.
I love the little picnics and moments with Zoe. Honestly… M is growing up so fast and it’s easy to imagine doing these things with her. It makes it all the more special to see you doing them with Zoe! <3
I love all the FALL things – so it can stay out until the Christmas stuff comes up.
I love the fun you have with Zoe. I want a fun picnic now
I love a good turkey meatloaf. That actually sounds good for dinner tonight… I have found 99% of my fun pumpkin decor from Target! Your mantle looks so cute.
I am going to venture to Hobby Lobby today…it’s 30 minutes away and the one in Pittsburgh was big and pretty nice so I don’t know what to expect here.
Meatloaf is my absolute no-go food. I can’t even smell it without feeling ill.
Fall is my favorite – and Halloween! My family definitely decorates for both. My mom and sister are OBSESSED with Kirkland’s. hah It really does have nice things. I love TJ Maxx and HomeGoods as well – I mean, who doesn’t??
I still haven’t decorated for Fall yet. I don’t know why I am behind. That meatloaf looks really good. I love green beans as a side even more than mashed potatoes. Hopefully you guys didn’t get hit by the hurricane. I love those temperatures. We are supposed to be in the mid 70s this weekend and I am super excited.