Nothing like recapping a weekend on a Wednesday, right? Book day was yesterday though, and you gotta be there for that! If you missed it, I only read two books and they were both consumed in the last week. I enjoyed both of them, totally worth reading. Anyways, onto the weekend! The long weekend!
Friday evening, we ordered Mexican for dinner. We decided on somewhere other than our usual, and it was fabulous.

I had a little work to finish up Saturday morning. After that, we headed out for our car ride. When we got home, Zoe wanted to go play outside. I set up the sprinkler and her water table, and she had a lot of fun running around between the two. After, she came up on the deck and played in her sandbox for awhile.

Sunday morning, we ordered Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Never disappoints.

Zoe and I spent a lot of time outside again. The weather was a lot drier this weekend, so it was tolerable to sit out in the shade. We don’t get very many “dry, non-humid” weekends down here…so you have to take full advantage! We took lots of evening walks around the neighborhood too. We pass by this one house that has an owl statue near their mailbox. I am pretty sure it is to keep the birds away from crapping on it. I might end up doing the same, as ours is always getting covered by them. Zoe was terrified the first time she saw and it practically jumped in my arms screaming. I had to explain that it was a pretend owl, and then she became fascinated with them. We have to watch YouTube informative videos on owls now, and she has to go by and say hi when we take walks.

On Monday, we took yet another car ride. This time we stopped at BBQ Stop on the way home to pick up burgers, sides and cheese fries. Everything was really good and hit the spot! This was our second time doing a drive thru. Slowly getting ourselves back out there!

It is crazy how fast a Monday goes when you don’t have to work, right??? Even working from home, you definitely feel work days. This past weekend, I really tried to unwind some. I am over all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, work, homeschooling, not seeing people, etc. I tried to let some of that go for a few days. Of course, now I have 3498 loads of laundry to do, floors to clean, work to catch up on, and lessons to teach…but it was nice to unwind some!

Yesterday it was back to Zoom meetings, homeschooling, ordering groceries for the week, working, catching up with clients and tracking down data, and getting a start on the mountain of laundry that accumulated in just a few days. And dishes. Dear God, the dishes. Someone explain to me how there are always so many??? I hope you all had a great weekend! We are already half way through this week now!
The cheese fries look so good!
I cannot imagine the humidity in Alabama. It makes me cringe, knowing how humid it gets in Kansas/Missouri and how I can barely stand that.
The owl thing is funny.
Dear God – the dishes. You are so right. I HATE doing the dishes. I love those pics of you and Z. And that burger looks amazing! And those cheese fries!! YUMMMMM
Yes, you definitely still feel work days when working from home! I didn’t know how badly I needed a day to just not be on the computer. Love the cute pics of you and Zoe! Here’s to a short week.
Oh my god, I want those cheese fries. Aw, I love that Zoe says hi to the owl now – that’s adorable!!
I’m glad you had a nice weekend and tried to relax some.
Yay for beautiful weather and that Mexican food sounds AH-MAZING! <3