1. What was your biggest middle school fashion mistake?

Gotta love overalls! My scanner isn’t hooked up to my lap top, so all of these are pictures of pictures, sorry about that!
2. Who were your best friends in high school? Pics?

This is Ashley and I my senior year of high school. Her parents let her come to GA to visit me for my graduation.
3. What was a typical weekend like for you in high school?
3. Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends in high school?
I never had a boyfriend through school. I didn’t start dating anyone until the summer between my Senior year of high school and college. I didn’t have time for a boyfriend in high school. I was too focused on getting good grades, practices, competitions and working. When I wasn’t doing any of that, I was with my friends hanging out. Apparently I was “unapproachable.” I am not quite sure what that means, but that is what my guys friends told me.
5. Did you have any secret codes with your friends? Spill your secrets!
My friends and I had code names for the boys that we liked. There were names like “Locker Boy” and “Abercrombie.” There was always an awesome story behind their nicknames! Also, and I can’t believe I am going to admit this…but Erin and I had a code to check each other. We would ask “Is it cloudy?” And we would check each other for things in our teeth or anything hanging around in our noses. We live in the south, allergies run rabid around here, don’t judge!
6. If you could relive one day/moment/experience from middle school or high school, what would it be?
I don’t know that I would go back and change anything about my experiences because they have made me who I am today. I will say, I wish I could write former me a letter saying that those are the most care free years you will ever have, don’t be afraid to enjoy them more. Let yourself out there a little more. Have a little fun. I also wish I wouldn’t have shut down my sophomore year of high school when my parents moved me. It was for the best in the end, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without moving to Georgia. At the time, it was the worst thing they could have ever done to me in my head. I punished myself for it instead of embracing it.
We did the code name for boys too!
Ah, skorts – I’m surprised that those aren’t around much anymore. They were such a good idea.
“Unapproachable” might have meant that you were very hard-working and intelligent – some guys in high school don’t know how to deal with that type of girl. Or maybe they simply thought you were busy with your activities and studying.