Happy Friday! It has been a week. Isn’t every week….a week? Lately I feel like it has been. I started reading The Soulmate Equation the other day. I was going to wait until closer to the release day to read it, but my excitement got the best of me. It is just the palette cleanser I needed after a heavy book.
Favorite Moments: Monday night was the National Championship game. I always hate having the big games (this and the Super Bowl) on a “school night”, you know? But since Bama was playing, we were obviously well invested. I made some super yummy game day snacks for dinner and we settled in to watch Bama stomp all over Ohio.
We have had a good go at lessons since the beginning of the year. We sort of got off course in December, and both needed a break. We have been consistent with at least doing 4-5 workbook pages each week day, focusing on letters, numbers, cognitive thinking. Sometimes I get fancy and throw in a fun activity. I am no teacher, I feel like Zoe was definitely thriving more when she was at school. But I have seen a lot of growth since she has been home with me. She knows all her shapes, letters and several numbers now. She can count out money when we play Monopoly Junior together. She is writing a few letters like “x.” She does really well on the worksheets where we talk about same, different, more or less, etc. I have found that if we do these early enough in the morning, there are no concentration issues and we can knock it out in about 15-20 minutes. Other than playing games and doing puzzles outside of our “school time,” I am trying to find other fun ways to sneak in learning opportunities.
Favorite Aldi Find: I love the healthier options that Aldi offers. I found the Sea Salt Caramel Cashew Crisps that I found last week. I had tried the vanilla and chocolate before, and while both were ok….there is no comparison to this flavor!! I also grabbed the new Peanut Butter Coconut Crisps that were also quite delicious!
I have been making stir fry once a week lately. I really love their broccoli frozen mix. Toss it in a pan with some soy sauce and you are good to go! I add celery and zucchini once it thaws to load up on the veggies.
Favorite Purchase: In getting old sucks news, I have had increasing pain in my bad foot. Between my high arch and Plantar Fasciitis, I have a hard time finding relief. I roll my foot on my roller for hours a day when I am sitting at my desk. I wear orthotic slippers with major arch support. And yet, I find myself limping around the majority of the day. Someone commented on my post last week about Angel socks. I did a google and Amazon search, and came to the conclusion that a lot of people find comfort in this sort of thing. I ordered a pair and have been wearing them for a week now. I have to say, I find my pain 30-40% less with just a week worth of wearing. Someone told me that after 2 weeks, their pain was gone. Sign me up! I am only wearing one on my “bad foot.” I put it on after my workout in the morning, and take it off on my way to bed. I am impressed.
Favorite Workout: Heather released a new arm workout this week. Even though I had upper body day Monday, I couldn’t help but hit play when I saw this pop up Thursday morning. It is a good one, and a shorter one that is great to add in with a walk!
Favorite Funnies:

Beep beep bitch – lol. Way to go Z on learning all of the things, and for you for doing it and sticking with it – that shit is hard. Gonna have to check out that Heather workout – I love a good arm and upper body!
Every week is definitely a week. I’m glad you and Zoe are finding your groove again! I’m sure you were both exhausted. I need to check out that Heather workout. I love her upper body ones usually. I need to get those snacks from Aldi!
Thank you thank you for the funny laughs this fine Friday! That last guy in the meme reminds me of the ocean spray guy singing Fleetwood Mac! I always forget about Aldi, those cashew crisps sound amazing!
Hah I love all the memes you find. They’re great. It sounds like Zoe is doing really well with learning. It’s not the same as actual school, but you’re all doing your best and she’s still learning new things and that’s great!! I need to go to Aldi sometime soon.
Good job teacher mom@
I LOL’d at the Tommy Boy and haiku.
I’m laughing hard at Beep Beep Bitch. Getting old does suck. I remember when I used to buy books on Amazon, now I use to buy elbow and wrist braces.
That Tommy Boy meme honestly made me laugh way too hard.
I had some of those plantar fasciitis socks & LOVED them… I dont know where they went – dang it. I just need to order some more
Ive been going to Aldi a little bit here and there…i can’t deal with Walmart anymore. We also have a Kroger (under a different name) that gives me some more variety.
I have been having knee issues for a few months. Ugh. I’m looking at strengthening exercises. What’s recommended for plantar fasciitis? I dealt with that at one point and the only thing that helped was elevation.
Your funnies ALWAYS make my day.
And I think you’re doing an amazing job teaching her and I think you have found a great balance between like more formal lessons and learning through activities. I love seeing what you two get up to on Instagram!
Seriously about that adult haiku. I got a massage last week and learned I have a swollen SI joint. Aging sucks, but it beats the alternative!
I love your funnies this week. I love the one with the co-worker and being unapproachable, but yet here they are. I love the idea of those socks and totally need to try them out. I wish we had an Aldi here, but we only have a Sprouts. I wonder if those crisps are there.