How are you doing? Are you starting to venture back out into the world yet? Are people wearing masks in your area? We still haven’t been anywhere yet, but we do take care rides on the weekends. We also started ordering take out to be delivered to our house, so we are slowly dipping our toe back into society.

Zoe passed out on our last car ride. I love how she makes sure to make any event fabulous. She gathered toys and snacks for our 20-30 minute ride. Even changed from a princess crown to cat ears mid trip. Also, I would like to note that this is the only nap the kid has taken in the last three months. Lord held me.
I realized that we never got to take spring pictures at school before all this went down. I had purchased this adorable pink dress for Zoe on clearance last year with spring pictures in mind. I couldn’t let it go to waste! We decided to do a little random midweek photo shoot, and I think they turned out so cute.

Favorite Purchase: Every time I see someone post about their Fabfitfun box, I think how fun it would be to get a variety of new products to try. I decided to pull the trigger for the summer box, and it was so much fun! I love that you get to chose a few options, and the rest are a surprise. Plus, I really appreciate the full size products. (I need to use something for awhile before I decide if I like it, you know?) If you sign up with my link, you can get $10 off your first box. Full disclosure, I would receive a credit my account as well. I also have a couple free “friend” boxes (they have 3-4 full size products) to give away, you just pay shipping, if you are interested let me know.

I was most excited about the Draper James straw bag and that Isaac Mizrahi vase….but I can see myself using every single item in here! (The hand cream is on my desk and already in use, hence why it is missing from the second picture.) I added it all up, and my box was worth $269.

Favorite Recipe: I made these keto crackers for the week, and they are full of flavor and hit the spot.

I also tried this chicken carbonara recipe earlier this week. Delicious and low carb.

And I made Chris and I coffee ring pop popsicles. This is just using some Dunkin Donuts brewed coffee and heavy cream. Nice little pick me up in the afternoons when I am outside on the deck with Zoe. Because summer came hard and it is already humid AF here. (Don’t mind the jagged nail job, this is why I don’t paint my fingernails often.)

Favorite Workout: I am still doing the Chloe Ting Shred Challenge. I have two more workouts left. She is kicking my ass every day. I am drenched in sweat and so dead when I finish. But damn, do I feel good. I started noticing results around my stomach in just three days. And according to the scale, I am also down 2 pounds. I will do a final thoughts/results on it next week when I finish.
Favorite Funnies:

I would love to receive a friend box! Let me know what I need to do. Thanks and I love reading your blog!
I have wanted to try the FFF box for such a long time and pretty much have it in my cart but haven’t pulled the trigger yet!! Hope you guys have a fun weekend – enjoy the car ride 🙂 xo, Biana BlovedBoston
You’ve made me want to get FFF again! Chloe Ting is kicking my ass. I love Zoe’s pink dress! Hope you guys have a great weekend.
Our governor’s an idiot, and like BLASTED us back open…super unimpressed. Of course, we’ve also had incredible record breaking spike in #s the past 2 weeks also, so ….
so YEH, I’m wearing a mask 🙂
So she’s upped to changes in the car … I just love that kid.
A ICED COFFEE RING POP????? My life is complete – I need to do that!!!
& you know me – I’m staying tucked away & mask on whenever we go somewhere. Our numbers are going up & I’ll stay away from people as long as possible
I wear a mask when I go to the store, but we’ve more or less been back to normal in our household. We definitely haven’t been going out to eat bc not many are open BUT with a small toddler, we weren’t exactly doing that before this hit.
That little photo shoot is so adorable – that pink dress is so sweet. That’s a great box – so many fun things in it!!! That straw bag is so cute. Still wearing a mask – I ain’t about getting the rona – not after months of not getting it.
How adorable is that photo shoot! And I definitely laughed at the meme with John Hamm… TRUTH!
That ring popsicle is so cute! I love that. Zoe’s photo shoot is fantastic – very cute dress! The only place I’ve really been INTO lately is the doctors. hah It definitely makes me nervous – I like seeing people that still wear masks, but it seems like more and more aren’t doing that. Those Fab Fit Fun boxes are super cute. Looks like you got some awesome items!
I’m so glad to hear that I am not the only one taking their time with easing back into society. We went to the beach this morning, but that was the first time we went anywhere in 3 months. We never even went on car rides or anything!! We went for 30 minutes early in the morning before anyone else so I felt comfortable doing that, but I am taking it very slow. I see no rush to jump back into everything, but I also never feel stir crazy at home either.
Those coffee ring pops sound amazing. We have been going out a little bit. More Rory and I going out. The girls have mostly gone to breakfast. We only wear masks where they are required and in the grocery stores.