I was going to start this out as “If we met for coffee…”and then I was like….if I met someone for coffee right now, I would probably cry tears of joy just being out somewhere and seeing anyone. I would probably spend an hour picking out an outfit, because no one has seen me in any of my summer dresses outside of this house and zoom calls. But here we go…

If we met for coffee, I would probably start out by talking about how weird the last six months have been. Because that is where we are, almost six months of this. The amount of activities that have been canceled, the holidays spent alone at home, the decisions we have had to make, the people we miss, the weird environment of the economy and all the unknowns. It is all a lot, isn’t it?
You might want to talk about all the new shows you have watched on Netflix, and I would listen along, fascinated. Then I would tell you that I haven’t watched a new episode of anything since like April. We finished up whatever episodes we had of our usual shows, and haven’t watched a single new thing since. At night after Zoe goes to bed, we have watched the entire series of Friends, and now almost through all of How I Met Your Mother. I did see that season 5 of Lucifer has been released on Netflix, so maybe that will be the kick we need to move on?!
I would tell you that I hit a rut in reading this month for the first time in forever. I have read several books every month since 2013. (With a break for a month or so when I had Zoe.) And I haven’t finished a single one this month. I started getting back into a book on Monday night, so hopefully I am getting out of the slump.
You know who is not in a reading slump? Zoe! We read books multiple times a day, and she has been really into picking a book to read before bed every night. I love her enthusiasm for books, and will never deny her reading.
I would tell you that I am staying away from the news and most of social media, besides Instagram. Everything has really gone to shit, no? What is worse than the media’s click bate fear mongering headlines, is the nasty hate spewed in the comments from all people. I just can’t with it.
I am sure that we would joke about being over meal planning and cooking and dishes at this point. Because I feel that is all I ever do. I am taking it back to basics this week, because I feel uninspired about cooking as I do about pretty much everything.
I would mention that I have been killing it on my workouts the last two weeks. I have been very consistent with workouts since this all began, but I started to feel a little lost last month with it all and just going through the motions. Last Monday, something clicked again. Probably the fact that I turned 37. Yikes. But I am rocking them now. I have mostly been doing Heather Robinson and Madfit workouts, with some Popsugar sprinkled in. And walks, lots and lots of walks outside after whatever video I do.
I would tell you that seeing all the fall decor coming out over the last few weeks makes me smile. Usually I am saying things like, Halloween already??? But there is something different about it all this year. I think I actually might go all out on fall decor. I have been buying sweatshirts and leggings like I can wear them before November.
I would ask you how you think we can make Halloween fun this year. I mean, taking candy from strangers isn’t exactly pandemic friendly. I still want to create some kind of good memories of it for Zoe though. She has already changed her mind about ten times as to what she wants to be.
I enjoyed having coffee with you. Coffee is what fuels me through my days, and it is nice sharing a cup with a friend. I hope that I can for real do that sometime soon.
Hooray for getting back on it with your workouts!!! That’s probably the only thing keeping me sane right now. I’m in a reading rut too – I have a good book, but I just can’t seem to make myself read it.
I can’t wait till we can go get coffee or lunch OR anything together again!
I have been on a reading rut too and a blogging rut. Good job on the workouts, they are so important as we age. 37 is a good one. 41 is hitting me in the ass with soreness and stiffness. I can’t wait for normal to return!
Love how much Zoe loves reading! And we are stumped on what to do for Halloween as well. I know lots of people who are insisting on trick or treating or having a party anyway. We have started socializing again with just a few people at a time, but are NOT ready for an actual party. Not sure what’s wrong with people still 🙁
What a six months it has been. Good for you on the workouts! I’m trying to get back on track this week. I can’t even walk this week since it’s so hot and my allergies are awful (damn ragweed this time of year) so I’m looking forward to fall. I started and finished 28 Summers this week and LOVED it! I tried starting another and had to put it down, just wasn’t in the mood. I saw someone post some great Halloween in quarantine ideas somewhere… let me track it down and I’ll send it to you!
I saw on the news (a.k.a. The Today Show which I only watch for an hour on my mornings at home) that Americans are suffering from cooking fatigue! It’s an actually thing affecting people since we’re all cooking at home right now.
I’m hoping to have a small Halloween get-together with family and friends. It will be outside, lots of space, and during the day if we can safely do it. Who knows. Fingers crossed!
Glad Zoe has found her reading groove & she’s enjoying it.
I can NOT believe its going on 6 months. I had to keep counting because I cant believe I’ve been home that long. I would have NEVER have thought. EVERRRR
I’ll meet you for that coffee date .. but we gotta sit outside… 6 feet apart – LOL
I’m actually NOT in a reading rut, which is unusual for me. I’m not blowing my yearly goal out of the water, but I’m reading.
I have no gauge for Halloween, really, with my own kid, so I don’t know what we’ll do. We don’t live in a neighborhood so…I’ll probably just dress him up.
I’m assuming Zoe wants to be a princess 🙂
I hope this new book gets you out of your reading rut! I’ve been doing okay with reading. I was a bit off when COVID first happened, but then it picked up. It’s not the most reading I’ve ever done, but I’ve really enjoyed the books (for the most part) and that’s the main thing I guess. I love that Zoe loves books and reading. That’s awesome!!
Great job on working out and I’m glad you’re feeling motivated again. I’m slowly trying to do more since I’ve been sick. I’m ready for cooler temps so I can walk more outside and not feel like I can’t breathe after two seconds. hah Fall and Halloween are my favorite so I’m ready!
I saw an idea somewhere online, I can’t remember where, about doing like a scavenger hunt or a candy hunt at home! You could decorate all out for Halloween and have fairy lights or something. It could be really fun, even though it would not be the same. I’m with you on staying off the news though – I can’t take it. I was also in a reading slump and whenever I am in a reading slump, I can get out of it if I get a really good mystery or thriller!
Awesome job on killing it on the work outs. I love that. I have been as well. Mostly because I joined a new gym. I get in reading slumps too, but you are right, you are reading a ton. I keep getting my books available online and then I have too many in my que to read, so I am behind as well. I am sooo ready for Fall decor too.