
Confessions – The Scale is a Lying Whore

The scale really is a lying whore. I need to break up with her for good. (I assume the scale is a she because she really is a mean bitch.) The thing is….I cant help it. I see it sitting there while I am getting ready every morning. Most of the time I ignore her and just go on about my day….but every now and then I get the urge to step on just to see. I have this hope that if I get on and see a lower number, I will feel some sense of accomplishment and a huge rush of motivation will come over me. But, lets be honest. Most of the time I step on and I start cussing and then throw shit around in my closet for ten minutes while getting dressed because nothing is going to look good.

Why do we do this? Why do we define our self worth by a number? A number that means nothing? I am guilty of it no matter how much I try to tell myself I am not. I know better. I know that my work outs are working because my clothes fit better and I feel stronger and healthier (most days). So why do I get on the scale and demotivate myself?! I can sit there and say all day that I wont do it anymore…and I do great for a few days. Then one morning I am on the scale and in the never ending cycle.

It is the same damn 5 lbs over and over again. Some mornings it is gone, some mornings it is there. Why cant I get myself over those 5 lbs?! It is all a mental game once I see it. I know what I need to do, I need to not splurge and cut all cheat meals for a few weeks. I need to come home and do crunches and lift some weights instead of sit on the couch and watch TV after work.

Fashion Pins

I do so great with waking up at 4:30am Monday – Friday to get in my T25 work outs. I pack my lunch four of the five days each and every week full of healthy foods. The day I meet my friends for girl’s lunch, I try to choose the healthiest option I can while eating out. We have healthy meals for dinner at least Monday-Friday, sometimes more than that. Then the weekend hits and I don’t know…I just want to let go of having to try so hard and be conscience of everything I eat and just be. I want all the food. I want a cheeseburger and fries. I want chips and salsa. (Damn those chips and salsa!!!!) I want a beer if we are out socializing. And all of those things are OK, if I didn’t do them EVERY weekend. Or if I only did it for ONE meal each weekend. But, it sort of turns into an all day Saturday and Sunday fat ass fest.

weight loss motivation

I know what I have to do. The thing is, loosing weight is really quite simple. All you have to do is eat wholesome, healthy and portioned foods and work out. Now why in the hell is that so hard for me to do all the time? I know that if I try as hard on the weekends as I do all week, I would be in such a better place. I basically undo everything I have worked so hard for each and every week in one or two days. That cycle ends now.

Are you struggling with the same few pounds? How did you overcome your struggles and keep loosing more?


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  • Reply Morgan February 5, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    AMEN!! This post is so spot on to what I go through that I swear I could have written it. That damn scale!! And those damn cheat meals!!! With the wedding coming up I’ve been doing a lot better, but the cheat meals still get me and the scale will forever frustrate me. I know it’s easier said than done, but focus on how you feel in your clothes and not what the number says on the scale. We’ve got this! 🙂

  • Reply Lauren February 5, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    I struggle with the balance between going out and enjoying life and eating well. I find it hard to do both. Can I enjoy a person’s company while I eat a salad? Yes. But can I really enjoy a restaurant and feel like I had a good meal? Not really. So sadly I have no advice to offer you. But I do like the first quote about the junk food and the body. If only junk food wasn’t so comforting!

  • Reply kathy @ vodka and soda February 5, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    GIRLFRIEND LISTEN UP FAST: your weight – no matter how fit or unfit you are – will ALWAYS fluctuate between 2-5lbs. ALWAYS. water weight, where you are in your cycle etc – these are all things that are normal bodily functions and you can never be rid of them… so why waste your effort/energy trying to change that?

    instead, ninja kick that fucking lying bitch into the garbage (or garage) and ONLY go by inches lost. if you eat clean most of the time and indulge once in a while, that won’t do a damn thing. the main thing is a balanced lifestyle and to keep moving.

    Vodka and Soda

    • Reply Duckie February 6, 2014 at 5:33 am

      Yep, that is why I do NOT own a scale!! I listen to Kathy – she’s my trainer. Lol.

  • Reply Brooks @ The Handey Way February 5, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    I’m always in a battle with my scale. I was doing so well before I fell off the wagon. Womp, womp. So, Friday, I’m going to the gym and getting me a personal trainer. I’m the type that needs someone to push me. I don’t have the drive (yet) to push myself as hard as I need.

  • Reply Maggie February 5, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    I totally get it. I don’t want to miss out on socializing on the weekends but have zero self control when it comes to alcohol, chips, salsa and French fries. I keep trying to convince myself that the number on the scale is not accurate because I’m going to the gym and building muscle. Sure Maggie, you’re building muscle, it has nothing to do with the pizza and queso.

  • Reply SMD @ Life According to Steph February 5, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    I’ve never been a scale girl, I’ve been a how do my clothes fit girl.

    I think if you feel strong and know you’re exercising and eating well 80% of the time, you shouldn’t hang all of your worth on the scale. Especially when you’re building muscle.

  • Reply TK February 5, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    If you’re going back and forth between five pounds, it’s probably a water weight difference you’re seeing. I used to step on the scale religiously – every day – and I was worse for it. I was able to get to the point where I just stepped on the scale once a month. Weight isn’t the be-all-end-all of health, anyway.

    But, if you happen to want to keep your scale and motivation, I recommend the Aria Fitbit scale. It measures your weight and body fat percentage (you have to keep your socks off to measure that last one). If I see that my weight has gone up but my body fat percentage has gone down slightly, I know that I probably gain muscle weight. I am a-okay with that.

  • Reply jackie February 5, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    the scale can really mess with me. it makes me feel bad if I’ve gained or am the same. but then if I lose, it’s like I give myself permission to go pig out. oops. and i’m the same – usually good during the week and then it all goes to hell on the weekends!
    — jackie – jade and oak

  • Reply Anna February 5, 2014 at 9:56 pm

    Throw that crazy bitch of a scale out the window, girl!! Weight is what holds you to the earth, nothing more! Don’t play the number game!

    What matters is making healthy food choices, and feeling fit and strong, which is sounds like you are already going after!! You rock 🙂

  • Reply Heidi February 6, 2014 at 12:47 am

    Doing good all week and then splurging on the weekends is me to a T! Someone once told me to try letting lo a little on a Wednesday or Thursday night meal to break up the routine of the week and then eating well on Sundays. It helps me sometimes!

  • Reply Miranda February 6, 2014 at 2:36 am

    The scale is a very stressful thing. The important thing is that you keep up the hard work, and continue to kick butt! 🙂

  • Reply Amanda February 6, 2014 at 6:10 am

    I’ve been trying to go off of how my clothes fit me rather than the number on the scale… it’s a hard habit to break!

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